Chapter 28 and Chapter 29

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Since I'm so nice, I decided to upload early so you guys would be happy :) Actually I'm reading a book and I'm really happy so I guess you guys could consider yourself lucky for having a writer who uploads really early when she is in a good mood. :D But warning, I am going to put everything into this chapter because I won't be able to upload for the next few days, maybe. So expect this to be a little longer than usual. Please don't say it's too fast because my chapters are usually only two pages long. Which is short to most of the readers here. Yeah, this author's note is long so I hope this got your attention. 


Chapter 28

I breathed deeply and inhaled. I was in front of Will's hospital room door. I must've look stupid because I was holding a bunch of books in case Will had forgotten the lessons he learned in school. It was probably a good thing that I was in the advanced class with him so I knew the stuff he learned too. Okay back to the topic. Standing in front of the door while holding a bunch of books in one hand while the other one was in mid-air wondering if I should knock or just walk in. 

Knocking was probably more polite. But I didn't want to see that smirk on Will's face though. If I just walked in, he would be surprised but then I knew he would smirk again once he snapped out of it. Gosh, why was everything so hard?! I even sounded like a love-struck fool. 

Ignoring the constant battle in my mind, I knocked softly and turned the door knob. I sighed once and entered. But I immediately stopped when I saw Lance beside Will, smiling and talking like the both of them were close friends. If Will hadn't lost his memory, he would've probably killed Lance right on the spot. 

Underneath all the smile and laughter, I knew Lance was just trying to get Will on his side. But for what, exactly? I narrowed my eyes at him and scowled. 

"What are you doing?" My voice was sharp and it made Will gave me a confused look which probably said 'What are you doing that's my cousin you're shouting at!' I ignored Will's look and frowned at Lance. 

"I won't repeat myself. What are you doing here?" 

Instead of replying me, he laughed and smiled. He stood up from his chair and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"I can call the others here and kick your butt. Wait, I could kick your butt. So please get out of here before I call for help." I said through gritted teeth. He looked amused and patted my shoulder twice before leaving Will and I alone and out of the room. 

"Ahem." Will cleared his throat and I gave him a 'what do you want?' look. "Look, I know he is bad okay? I remember everything before you met me. Just not after that." he paused for awhile. "By the way, what IS your name?" 

I took a deep breath and counted to three, I shouldn't lose my temper in front of Will. Especially not him, not now when he was practically innocent and don't remember anything. I dragged the chair closer to him and sat down. 

"My name is Fleur Michelle Tyler. And-" I thought of it for awhile. What was I to him? "-I'm just your best friend. You're not my boyfriend, I'm not your girlfriend." 

"So we're friends with benefits?" 

"No, we're just friends..." that's when the awkward moment started. So I changed the subject, naturally. "Were you acting like you don't know Lance?" 

"Fleur, I remember he is after me and wanted to kill me. But I don't remember you coming into my life at all. So I just pretended to not remember who Lance is." His face was expressionless. Like a stone. Had I hurt him by saying we were just friends? No, it wasn't possible. 

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