part 2

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Cherries POV

wow, expelled from another school...I mean, we were just having fun...breaking rules.

 I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I looked to right and saw Berry laying on her side, back facing me.

She likes sleeping in my bed and I like sleeping in hers. Our parents got us separate beds but we like to sleep in the same bed, we feel more safe. I tap on her back. 

"Berry... are you awake?" I ask, whispering. 

"Yea been awake for awhile now." She whispers back. "Me too" I say hugging her from behind. She turns over and she has a smirk on face and I catch on 

"Cant wait to get some new 'toys'" We say in unison. We both giggle at that and hear a knock on the door 

"Good morning girls, its time to get up" It was our butler, James, he is sweet... but like everyone else he cant tell us apart so he just says 'girls' instead.

"May I come in? I have your uniforms." He asked. I look over to berry and we were both properly dressed.

"Come in" I call out.  He came in with...a dress? 

"This is your uniform, now before you complain, I know you hate dresses, you don't have to wear it, but if you don't you will stand out cause everybody else wears it, so I recommend you do" He tells us walking over to our bed. 

He neatly putting the dresses down. It was a very light yellow with a pointed white collar and red loosely-bowed tie. There were also some knee long socks and some typically normal school shoes. It was the worst dress I have ever seen and I've seen a lot of dresses. Both our parents are fashion designers. We heard the door shut indicating he left. I looked at berry and shook my head and she did the same.

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now