Part 14

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Cherries POV:

Today was the day we were going to do our first hosting. We were in class throwing papers at the back of the twins head. We kept snickering to ourselves and the teacher didn't give two doodles what we were doing. He was way to tired and didn't really care about our education but our marks aren't that bad anyway so... you get it. 

When the bell rang we groaned knowing we are hosting now cause school is finished. We get up and walk normal pace to the door when the twins started dragging us to make us go faster. 

"Why are you in such a rush" I say just going with it.

"Club only starts in 30 minutes" Berry points out rolling her eyes. The twins look back at us with big Chester grins.

"Cause we have a theme today" They say together. We raise our eyebrows.

"And what would that be?" We ask together making them go a bit slower. We don't like being rushed and it's not going to change just cause we're going to play dress up.

"It's going to be" they stop to make it more dramatic. 

"swimming!" They almost yell and our eyes widen. We don't mind showing a bit of skin like most girls but knowing these dimwits their going to try and show as much as the school will allow.

We come out of the dressing room with the same costume (duh) and we actually liked it. we liked black and the design wasn't that bad. But Tamaki got all pink when he saw us and gave us beach shorts. They were also black but had white flowers. We gladly took them and put them over our swimming costumes. We saw the twins looking at us so we winked at them. Their faces went 50 shades red and we laughed our heads off. 

All the guys were wearing shorts and were shirtless except for Haruhi. He wore shorts and a shirt... guess he doesn't like showing skin. 

When it was hosting time, girls kept squealing at the boys which was annoying as hell. We only got one boy but we didn't really care. He walked over to our table and we saw he was very shy but that just made our job easier. Most of the time we just sweet talked to him and whispered in his ear making him shiver slightly. We were sitting either side of him so we had a plan. His name was Ayan.

"Hey, Ayan" I call to him and hugged his arm my breasts just touching his arm a bit. He blushed and his eyes went wide but looked at me with a nervous smile. 

"What do you think of our first day?" Cherry asked doing the same as I did. We glance at each other with smirks then looked up at him.

"It w-was very g-g-g-good lad-ies" He stutters and we giggle at his shyness. You hardly get men like him anymore. We pat his head with one of our hands hugging his arms closer with the other.

"Good boy" We say together. We giggle even more when his blush went even DARKER. I never knew it could go so red. a few seconds later Kyoya called to everyone that club was closed. We heard almost all the girls whine and moan. We roll our eyes and let Ayan go. We waved at him and he did the same with a nervous smile. 

We glanced at the twins to see... jealousy in their eyes. We look at each other then smirk. We then sneak over to the twins hugging them from the back. 

"Were the famous Hitachiin twins jealous?" We ask in their ears. 

"N-no" They say and we laugh at their blushing faces.

"Your face dear bird brains" I say as we go in front of them and putting our fingers on their nose.

"Says something different" Cherry says and we flick their noses then head to go change.

We come out and see most of the guys gone but Tamaki and Kyoya were still here. We go over to Kyoya.

"Hey, Kyoya" Cherry calls out and he looks up from his laptop.

"Can we keep the costumes?" Berry asks calmly.

"Sure just pay me back, okay?" He says sternly. We roll our eyes heading to the door.

"Yes, mother" We say together at the door turning around and giving him a wink then head home.

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