Part 18

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3rd person POV

As the black limo's pulled up in front of the resident known as the apartment where Haruhi lives.
normal peop- *cough* i mean commoners gather around the newly polished black beauties oohing and awing. getting out of these cars come the well known host club of Ouran Academy. All very normal looking if you ask m- *cough* sorry I mean all very handsome in their own special ways. Weirdly, a little boy was jumping around in circles yelling 'rich people!' but he was mostly ignored as the most of the club talked about the building complex while the utterly stupi- 


*You hear a loud slap and a gasp as the show was paused* 

"Stop changing the text!" You hear someone yell.

"My mother told me to never lie so that's what I'm doing" The original narrator spoke with a little sass........ It was a little silent for a moment and all you could hear was loud breathing. Then loud stomping slowly disappearing but coming back again. Then there was a chain sore.... then someone screaming. Then it went silent.

"Well that's done with I guess I'll just take over now, sorry with the inconveniences" Said the other voice before the show played again.


The utterly clever and handsome Tamaki paced around looking worried and a bit sick to be honest. He walked up to Kyoya asking him why he brought all the others with, saying he just wanted to go alone. Kyoya, known as the king of shadows, pushed the twins away saying that they should leave cause king said so but being stubborn the twins refused. Before a small fight happened the all mighty king came to the rescue by saying they should stay, that he didn't want to be alone after all, making the twins jump with joy- well kind of.

But what they didn't know is that while they were setting down the rules to NOT make Haruhi mad or offended cause she is a 'commoner' is that she was standing just a bit behind them holding shopping bags looking so mad that you could see multiple veins. and here it was that they didn't want her to get mad- oh well.

"Well it's to late for that, go away!" She yelled at them shocking them all- well besides Kyoya and Mori. 

Complementing her one piece (dress) she just flipped them off and told them to go. Tamaki being the innocent he is, said she was so mad she swore. (oh poor poor Tami you have no idea what swearing is)  

Coming down the same exact street Haruhi did, came the all to famous red headed twins with bored expressions- well until they saw Tamaki practically flirting with a middle aged woman. They fully heard the situation and understood why he was doing so but thought they would just play dumb and tease him a bit. Just as the middle aged woman left telling Haruhi she would come back with snacks the twins came up behind Tamaki.

"Wow Tamaki we never thought you were that type" They say together with smirks making Tamaki freeze up and slowly turn around. When his eyes landed on the two smirking girls his face turned beet red and the girls had to try really hard not to burst out laughing.

"N-no! It's not-" Before he could finish his plea they cut him off.

"Maybe that's his thing" Cherry started whispering into Berries ear but loud enough for him to hear. Berry nodded and moved to whisper in her ear

"Maybe he made the host club to hide his dirty little secret" She said and Tamaki freaked out so much at this they couldn't help but burst out laughing while Tamaki just stood there dumbfounded.

Recovering from their giggling fit the the two girls caught sight of Haruhi and skipped over to her putting each of their arms over her shoulders. They were the same height as the twins maybe a little shorter but still. Haruhi groaned and slumped over making the girls fake pout.

"Are you not happy to see us Haruhi?" They asked together with an evil smirk. Haruhi seeing the smirks shivered knowing that if she said yes that they had something up their silky sleev- no wait they are rich but their style was almost commoner like. Shivering slightly she stuttered a no and the devilish girls picked her up and spun her around screaming that she was a good girl.

*Time skip*

As they all walked into her little apartment thanking her for letting them in but getting to the living room they had to squish a bit at how small it was. While the twins, Honey, Mori and Tamaki sat on the floor hugging their knees, Cherry,Berry and Kyoya stood up.

Not much time passed as Haruhi just made some tea while Berry and Cherry watched, snickering at the three boys freaking out. When Haruhi mentioned that she would like to order sushi for lunch Tamaki when into all ninja mode giving her a note. Her reading it out loud told the four twins what was written on and she threw it away saying she is not stupid.

"Smart move Tama" The four said.

*To be continued*

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