Part 17

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Cherries POV

On Friday Berry and I saw Haruhi still walking home and followed her there, but we used our NINJA SKILLS so she doesn't see us. So basically we were stalking her but we didn't care.

The weekend went past quite slowly actually, so we were bored out of our minds. I look around our room for something to do but what do you know? Nothing...

I sigh and look over to my sister to see what she was doing. She sat at the foot of the bed while I was leaning against the headboard. She looked like she was focused on something so my curiosity got the best of me so I crawled over on put my chin on her shoulder.

"whatcha doin'? I'm bored" I say in a lazy tone and she giggles.

"Well I'm playing a game but it's getting a bit boring to" She sighs switching off the device and giving me her full attention. Just then an idea popped into my head like it was popcorn and a huge grin appears on my face. Berry, not knowing what I was thinking just then raised her eyebrow. 

"We can still go to Haruuuuhiiiiii's" I point out dragging Haruhi's name. My sister finally gets the idea and the same exact grin appears.

"Hell yea" We say together with smirks.

*Time skip*

We walk to the direction of our 'targets' house but take our time. It's quite early so we have a lot. We both had our hands in our jean shorts pockets as we walked. We were also staring at the floor not bothering with the people around us. But being in a huge town there are bound to be people that you could say are dangerous. Oh wait... just like these guys.

"Hey there girlies" One guy calls out to us and we look over to them but not moving our heads.

"Why don't you two lovely ladies come share a bed with us? Two is always best" The other one calls out not even bothering to make it quiet. We sigh and give them our attention.

"No thanks" We say together and smirk at their mad expressions. 

"You sluts better do it or you won't like what's going to happen" The first one growls at us and our smirks widen which shocked them a bit.

"H-hey what are you smirking at?!" The second one shouts. We slowly start circling them as they stare, shocked at us.

"Did you hear that dear sister?" Berry asks me.

"Yes I did, I think these two knuckle heads called us sluts" I say stopping behind the guy I was circling, Berry doing the same with the one she was circling. Slowly we stand on our tip toes so I could get to his ear.

"Don't ever call a girl a slut if you don't have clear proof" We whisper into their ears before taking one of their arms and flipping them over onto the floor. As they groaned in pain we grinned and brushed our hands together like there was dust and walk away in our previous positions.

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now