part 21

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Cherries POV

His back was so warm considering it was still wet from the ocean. I was starting to get tired from all that swimming and he was just so comf-  NO! Cherry snap out of it. We have to figure this out. 

I rest my head on his shoulder as he and his brother Hikaru made a quick ghost out of stuff they found while telling a really clique story. which in fact made me even more tired.
When they made their jumpscare the girls (except Haruhi) screamed while I slightly giggled.
"Cherry don't do that its ticklish!" Koaru giggled. I couldn't focus on his cute giggle with how much my eyes widened.

None of the girls heard it so they went outside the cave. Haruhi not even fazed but the others had their tales between their legs. Berry giggled quietly at them not hearing what Koaru said. I lifted my head from his shoulder and stared at him. Did he figure us out or did he just have a lucky guess. 

Turning his head slightly so he could see me, his face shows a confused expression but soon changes back into a smirk.

"Did i get it right?" He asks in a whisper. I didn't know how to respond. I didn't know if I wanted them to know or not but I nodded anyway with a tiny smile. I got off his back and so did Berry from Hikarus.

"Well we're going to go watch all the other stuff, see ya birdbrains later" Me and Berry say together. Ssing their old nicknames. We walk out the cave giggling as Hikaru shouted that they're not birdbrains.


Nothing worked. Nothing, nada, ziltch. she has balls (hehe get it?) I'm glad though that berry didn't have to go in the truck. But right now we were just walking along the beach. A lot of the customers went to their rooms including all the boys so we didn't have to do much.

"Berry?" I call to the girl walking next to me.
"Yes Cherry?" She answers back. 

"Uh... when we were in the cave Koaru got our names right. I don't know if he guessed it or not but if they do get it right what then?" I say worried. She looks at me with a straight face but then laughs. My face shows confusion as I stare at her.

"You make it sound like it's the end of the world if they do" She says still in a fit of giggles. slowly a smile creeps onto my face.

"You're right sorry 'bout that"

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