Part 16

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Hikaru's POV (surprise bitches)

It was a club meeting today which meant it was just a meeting between honey, me and Koaru and Tamaki. Mori and Kyoya were self explanatory and Cherry and Berry were on the coach playing on their DS, not interested in our conversation. 

"So what are your thoughts on the twins?" Tamaki whispers so they didn't hear.

"Why do you ask Tama-chan?" Honey whispers as well.

"Well they are doing a good job but..." He trailed off and his eyes drifted to me and Koaru. almost like he read his mind Koaru finished his sentence.  

"But you want them to get out of their world" Why would he want that? Well I don't know, he likes to invade people privacy so I really am not surprised.

"Yes or just let someone in like Haruhi managed with you" He pointed out and we raise an eyebrow.

"Why would you want that to happen?" Koaru and I ask crossing our arms. This guy needs to know personal privacy.

"Well I'm not as dumb as I look" He glared at us when he said that 

"But I know that with every twin there comes a time where they separate or fight so much they will separate and before that if they don't have someone to help them or be with them, if that happens then they're doomed..." He explained and for once he actually made sense. We drop our arms.

"You're right..." We say together still dumbfounded that the Tamaki Souh said something that made sense for once.

"So what are we going to do Tama-chan?" Honey asked clutching Usa-chan closer to his chest.

"I don't know..." He said 

"Twins are the hardest to make sense of" He says.

"Hey!" We whisper yelled at him. Koaru and I absentmindedly look over to the girls on the couch. We didn't notice we were staring once one of them looked up at us and raised an eyebrow. We looked away quickly. We heard footsteps coming toward us. Quickly we tried to change the subject saying the first thing that came to mind.

"So what are we going to do this weekend?" We ask together. Tamaki and Honey noticed the approaching females and caught on to the stupid question. Like seriously, why that?

"Don't know, maybe we could just relax this weekend, we could need it" Tamaki says thoughtfully with his index on his chin. Good idea actually but that's boring. The girls leaned on our shoulders surprising us a little. 

"Really?" One of them ask lazily. We are twins but these ones are a bit difficult to figure out. It's like they have everything the same but there HAS to be something different... something. I frown slightly at the thought but cover up before anyone saw.

"You need to talk about this?" They ask together and we acted surprised by their sudden appearance even though we knew they were coming. But quickly recovered.

"Well yea we get bored at our houses so we like to hang out sometimes" Honey says. Nice cover Honey... They giggle and look directly at Tamaki with mischievous smirks. I'm liking where this is going.

"Well good luck cause we're going to Haruhi's house" They says mockingly.... I spoke to soon, I don't like where this is going. How the hell did they manage to get Haruhi to say yes?! They're just like me and Koaru when it comes to her. They love teasing her just like us. How the hell are they aloud to go?! Well they are girls... and she is a girl...

"Cool!" Honey chirped in and they giggled at him.

Our mouths were open and our eyes were wide... well except for Honey. He just stood there with his normal happy go lucky smile. The girls came up to us and put their index fingers under our chins closing our mouths.

"You're going to catch a fly" They point out while the one that closed my mouth closed Tamaki's as well. 

"How did you manage to ask her that?!" Tamaki almost screamed. Oh no, please don't notice, please don't notice. I pleaded in my head but unfortunately the gods were not with me today. The girls raise their eyebrows.

"Her?" One asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"You mean Haruhi is a girl?" The other ask crossing her arms as well. Wow, well if he didn't say that thing earlier I would think he was the god of dumb people.

"N-no your j-just del-lusional" He stutters. We glare at him... yea like they were totally going believe that Tamaki. It was almost for a second I could hear crickets in the background.

"Oh? Cause the faces in this room-" She starts, taking a step to Tamaki. 

"Say something different" The other finishes, also taking a step forward. He took a step back and there were sweat drops going down his face. Well they were true. We were glaring at him, Honey had a shocked expression and Kyoya even looked up from his laptop and was shacking his head slowly then he looked but down still shaking his head ever so slowly until he stopped and Mori... well Mori was his usual self. the unreadable book.

They smirk and unfold their arms going even closer. 

"Whats wrong daddy?" One asks innocently. Why? oh god curse my dirty mind... (get your mind out of the gutter! and for the people that weren't thinking anything bad i am very proud of you or your just really young ;) 

"Scared we're going to tell?" The other asks just as innocently. Tamaki laughs nervously. The girls faces go blank... well that was... weird. They head over to the couch and grab their bags. 

"After all" They say together looking over to us again but with evil grins that actually looked so scary I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"She is our dearest Haruhi" They say in a creepy voice that sent another shiver down my spine.

And with that they left the club doors. Everyone was frozen, scared by the sentence. Seriously those girls are scarier than us... or maybe its all those horror movies with girl twins. I don't know, all I know is that they are the definition of devils. They should take our roles... 

All we could hear were the silent tapping of Kyoya's laptop and he must of sensed the tension in the room cause he looked up and smirked.

"Well" He speaks up 

"I guess you shouldn't meet them in a dark alley" He says and all of us gulp. That leaves Mori who just picked up the still shaken Honey.

"We're going now" He says calmly and leaves.

"I think I agree with Kyoya" Me, Koaru and Tamaki all squeak out.

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