Part 34

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5 years later

Cherries POV

I giggle slightly at the joke he made. I was sat at a restaurant, the stars outside the window showed in his eyes and I couldn't stop staring. His black hair feel in front of his green eyes and he pushed it away. 

I take a sip of the champagne and he looks at my wrist.

"You didn't say you had a tattoo" He says, referring to the B and C together. He looked confused at what it could mean and I look at it myself.

"Yea, sometimes I forget I have it myself." I say with a nervous giggle. 

"Do you mind if I ask if there is a meaning behind it?" He asks while taking a sip of his own champagne. A sad smile appeared on my face and I try to hold back the tears.

"The C is for Cherry and the the B... the B is for Berry, my twin sister" I say, not managing to look him in the eyes but I kept the smile.

"Oh you have a sister? Can I meet her one-" He tries to ask me but I cut him off.

"Had a sister" I say through gritted teeth and the memories flush back and I couldn't keep the smile. There was silence for a moment while he processed what I said.

"Oh I'm sorry" He says sadly and gently holds my hand. I quickly pictured Koaru's hands but I push that thought out. 

"It's okay, it's in the past" I say and I wipe a tear away before it could fall down my face. I grab the champagne and down the rest. He gave me a worried look but left it as he saw that I didn't want to talk about it.

I hear thunder in the distance and I look outside. I remembered how Berry took care of me and I held his hand tighter. More thunder sounded outside but I just ignored it. I look back to his eyes and give a small smile and he returns it. 

I need to move on... I hope she's fine... Wherever she is. And Koaru... I miss you more than anything. As I said this his green eyes and black hair changed to hazel. 

"I love you" Koaru says. No, he said it. Silly me. Koaru isn't here. But still...

"I love you too, more than ever" I smile sadly. 

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