Part 12

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Cherries POV

The twins were huffing, glaring at each other. Me and Berry snuck in and closed the door softly so they wouldn't hear us.

"Don't you guys think that maybe you should give up all this fighting it's driving me insane" Tamaki says, holding his head up with his hand and his other holding his elbow. 

Me and Berry just leaned our backs against the door watching in silence. I saw honey notice us and before he said anything I put my finger to my mouth signaling him to shut up. He noticed and kept quiet.

"What'd you say!? Driving you insane!? Ugh you got to be kidding me, how do you think I feel right now?!" Hikaru yells then looks down closing his eyes 

"Every time I look in the mirror I see his face" He looks up to Koaru 

"I'm just sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you Koaru! The truth is, I hate your guts!" He screams out loudly. wow very creative there buddy... note the sarcasm. Koaru glared at him.

"You took the words right out of my mouth" Koaru says then reaches into his jacket. 

"In fact I hate you so much I bought this. Beelzenef, the curse doll!" He yells out showing a chubby wooden cat. Tamaki's eyes went wide open and his mouth dropping. I took a large step back not looking like he wanted to be here anymore. Koaru took out a pen.

"I'm going to complete the curse Hikaru. I'm going to wright your name on his back" He says.

"From this day forward you're going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow" He says writing on the dolls back. Suddenly Haruhi ran up to them and hit them hard on their heads.

"Would you guys knock it off! Do you really think your doing?! You don't bring in something like this into a petty fight" He yells at them holding up the doll. The twins looked up at her from the floor in shock. We tried our best not to burst out laughing.

"Both of you are at fault here but what is worst is that you brought everyone else around you into your big mess! Now apologies to each other! If you don't make up right now I'm never going to let you come to my house!" She yells at them. The twins close there agape mouths and smile. Haruhi just blinked dumbfounded.

"So what your saying Haruhi is that if we make up that means we can come over to your place?" They say simultaneously. Haruhi looks at the wooden doll then flips it over to read 'blank' written on it. She blinks twice then screams and the twins high five and look over to us and smirk. By now we couldn't hold it in and we burst out laughing.

"Wow Haruhi" I say laughing my ass off.

"You actually fell for it!" Berry says hunching over laughing. The rest jump which means just Tamiki and they turned around. Mori is to emotionless so I didn't think he was going to get a fright same with Kyoya. 

"You knew about this?!" Tamaki screams at us and we try to catch our breaths.

"Yes we did" We say together and smirk.

"Why didn't you tell?!" He screams at us. 

"Why would we, it was a good plan and they weren't that bad actors" I say. 

"So we just kept quiet" Berry says.

"Come to think about it, how did you find out?" Kyoya asks looking up at us.

"well with twins, if we fight, all hell brakes loose and this wasn't even close" I start explaining.

"Me and Cherry always used to fake fights when ever we wanted something or just to confuse or annoy the crap out of people." Berry explains.

"And we heard that you guys wanted to go to Haruhi's house so we just put it all together and" I say. 

"Shazam" Berry finishes my sentence. We walk over to the twins and ruffled their hair.

"Good job boys" We say together and we all four high five.

Then the boys started doing the brotherly love act and we all just watch with 'are you seriously kidding me right now?' faces on. When they were done we turned to Tamaki.

"Yo Tamaki, we have to ask you something" We say together and he looks at us.

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