Part 27

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*Berries POV*

It's been a little while of me and Hikaru just chatting. He's starting to not believe me but the poor guy is to tired to even think about getting up. The last thing I was thinking about was sleep so I offered to go look for Koaru. He thanked me and didn't even move.

I get up and move to Cherry and my room. I was thinking about the most random things ever some about Hikaru and Koaru but most about my own sister. Soon I get to my room and open the door slowly. On the bed I see them cuddled together, sleeping. Everything about that made me want to punch Koaru in the face and Hikaru as well because he has the same face. But I ignore it, as usual.

Quietly I walk up to then and poke Koaru. He didn't even stir. I got annoyed but smirked. I put my hand over his mouth and poke him hard in his side, making sure to let my nail get in on the fun. His eyes shoot open and he was about to yelp when I put my hand over his mouth. He looked frightened until he saw me next to him putting a finger to my mouth as a way of saying shhhhhhhhhhhhh. He glared at me and rubbed his side.

*Flash back*

Cherry and I were in the bathroom while I was washing the tomato out of her hair, face and clothes. Those damn bullies never stop, do they? Why us? Why does our hair have to be so unnaturally red? Why... why do they even care?

I started sniffling, tears making vision a problem. Cherry notices and grabs my hands slowly, pulling me up to look at her. By now tears were falling down my face. 

"Don't cry Berry. We'll get through this. Someday it will all stop and we will live our lives in peace" She tries to calm me down and I focus on every word she says. Yet, they all slip past my brain. She grabs my cheeks and looks at me. I try to rub the tears away but she beats me to it. Rubbing it away with her thumbs, she smiles.

"H-How can you smile s-so easily. I m-mean we get b-bullied so much and it almost always you who gets the hits. I-I'm the oldest god dammit! I should be p-protecting you!" I shout, chocking on the tears. 

"Shhh" she shushes me in a calming manner, the way our mother always did when we cried. I then hug her and try to stop crying.

"I r-really hope you're right Cherry. I really do" 


"Your 'oh so sweet' brother is waiting for you in the lounge. I suggest you go to him. I think he has fallen asleep already" I say as kindly as I could but couldn't help the slight bit of venom. He looks at me with a blank expression for a while then tries to get out of Cherries grip. With much difficulty he manages and I wait for him to get out the door. Before leaving the room, he looks down.

"S-Sorry" He says nervously and closes the door. I look at the closed door with no expression then head into bed. I don't know what to think of all this... and why are all these memories coming back now? 

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