Part 13

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Berries POV

"To Tamaki, we need to ask you something" We say together and he looks at us. 

"What is it?" He asks, tilting his head to the side a bit. We look at each other then back at him with a small smile. 

"We wanted to ask if we can join" I start.

"Because the other clubs are boring and you guys are just to funny to not watch" Cherry says and we smirk. Tamaki had a mix of emotions. First he looked excited then terrified. Then utterly confused but back to excited then he was unsure. 

"Yaay another pair of twins!!" Honey screams hopping up and down. We smile at him then look back to Tamaki.

"Come on Tamaki" I say and we walk over to him.

"What's the problem" Cherry asks as we stand either sides of him. We get up to his ear.

"Wasn't it you who wanted us in" We whisper in unison in his ear and stand up straight up again and see that he was blushing fifty shades of red. We smirk at this. He flirts with other girls but here he is blushing cause we whispered in his ear. 

"Y-yes it w-was, b-but" He stuttered then took in a deep breath to calm himself.

"Yes, okay you can be in" He says with a big smile. making us smile. The twins then realized what we did and grabbed each of us squishing us in two bear hugs spinning us around. When they put us down we tumbled a little cause we were dizzy. 

"Don't do that" I say slowly trying to gain my balance.

"Ever again" Cherry finishes doing the same. Once we did we looked at everyone who was looking at us like they were studying us or something. That means just Haruhi, Tamaki, Honey and the Twins. We look at them confused.

"Oh! I know!" Tamaki chirps in making everyone jump a bit.

"They can be the flirtatious types" He says with a big smile. We smile slightly. this was going to be a nice year... cause we can annoy the hell out of them. *Evil laugh*

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now