Part 25

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Cherries POV

It was soft and comfy. So I'll either be on a bed or a very fancy couch... I'll go with the first one. Slowly I open my eyes to still see it was dark. There were light patters of rain hitting the window from outside. 

I try to sit up but miserably fail when my arm gave in to the sleepiness and I fell. I curse to myself and try again. This time... I make it! Congrats, me on doing humanly things! 

I finished having my little celebration in my head and started looking around, remembering that Berry was with me. She wasn't here. I then started to worry. I look over to the bedside table to see her headphones, my phone and a note. I sigh in relief and reach over to the note. just then, a bolt of thunder and lightening hits, scaring me. I quickly retract my hand and hide under the blanket, shivering. 

I wait a little and then try again but this time faster and for the headphones and phone. Again, lighting struck but I grabbed it and hid under the blanket again. Putting headphones in a phone is kind of difficult when you're shaking and feel like you are going to die but I did it. I put the headphones on and put the volume on the highest. 

A few more minutes later I calmed down and started mouthing along to the lyrics. Later I grabbed the note and read it. After reading it I put it down and hid under the blanket again. 


She isn't back yet and I'm worried now. She hasn't left me for so long before and I'm scared.

Just then, I felt someone rub my back threw the blankets. She's here! I throw off the headphones and blanket and jump to her arms. 

"Where were you i missed you so much" I said with relief as I hugged her. She hugged me back. Then she chuckled. That's not her chuckle. It's male. Oh no what have I done? They could have been a robber and I just threw myself at them. 

I push them away and look at them. 

"Oh...Koaru" I say with realization in my voice. I wasn't in the mood to be a bitch. 

"Yip, it's me" He said, rubbing the back of his neck, giggling nervously. He whispered something afterwards but I didn't hear it as a lighting bolt hit. I almost jumped out of my skin when I ran to the bed and hid under the blankets again. Shit i dropped my headphones. I couldn't stop shaking. Damn it, not in front of Koaru I look like an idiot.

"Do-... Are you afraid on lightning?" He asked me kindly as I heard footsteps coming nearer. I didn't answer. I felt the blanket being pulled off me but didn't budge. I was frozen if I could help it or not. 

"It's alright...Cherry" He said soothingly. My eyes go wide but I push it away. I pull up my legs to my chest and start to sob. When is this storm going to pass? 

BAM! Went another bolt of lightning. I jump and out of habit I jump into Koaru's arms. I couldn't stop shivering.

"I-I know you don't trust me... so just pretend I'm Berry" He said as he rubbed my head. Slowly I nod my head and picture Berry holding me in her arms. Both of us are very dependent of each other. 

He was so warm... so calm... I would picture him being more of the older one.

Soon enough though I fell asleep with the pitter patter of rain in my ears.

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