~introduction from the twins~

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names: Berry and Cherry Namati

Cherry: hello dear reader if you're wondering which one is which I'm the one on the left.

Berry: And I'm on the right.

Cherry: Our hair is exactly the same.

Berry: Not like in the picture.

Cherry and Berry: We think you should know us better before we start, don't you?

Cherry: Okay, as you noticed, we are identical twins

Berry: BUT we are so identical that no one knows who is who.

Cherry: We hated that no one could when we were younger.

Berry: But we accepted it and decided to have fun with it.

Cherry: No one has ever gotten into our little world...

 Berry: Not even our own parents...

Cherry: All the boys that fell for us, we played tricks on.

Berry: And their faces were priceless.

Cherry: We love to finish each others sentences-

Berry and Cherry: and talk at the same time, just to confuse people even more.

Cherry: As far as everyone knows-

Berry: We are identical with everything-

Cherry: But that's not true.

Berry: We have one thing different-

Cherry: And we will only tell you.

Berry: Don't ask why, we just want to.

Cherry: I'm scared of lightning.

Berry: And I'm scared of closed spaces.

Cherry: But we pretend to be scared of both of them so people cant find out

Berry: Our voices are even the same, isn't that cool!

Cherry: We are both 16-

Berry: But cherry is only a minute younger than me.

Cherry and Berry: OK i think that's enough for now.

Cherry: Enjoy-

Berry: reading our little life story.

Cherry and Berry: bye bye

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now