Part 29

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*Cherries POV* (flashback)

I felt so... dirty... violated. Everything hurt and we both had many bruises. Our clothes were torn and... the blood. Oh the blood was everywhere. My bottom lip was was torn from one of them hitting me and my cheeks felt like the rocks under a river. The river of tears run over my bruised cheeks burning them and making it numb. 

I look up to see the limb bodies in front of me once again to flinch and sob more. With every sob my body hurt more and more. I look to my right to see my sister. No, this wasn't my sister. In her hand laid the murder weapon. A pocket knife, her favorite one to be specific. Blood drenched her clothes and mine. Not a tear run down her cheek just blood. No emotion was shown in her eyes. She just stared at the blood soaked knife with no expression. None at all. 

No I got to stay strong. We both have been through... a lot. But... she needs my help just as much as I needed hers. I got up from the wall and wipe away the tears. Sniffling I turn to her and grab her hand slowly. She jumps at the touch and swings to attack but stops when she sees that it was me. A lone tears goes down her bloody face. 

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do. something in me just-" She kept rambling on when I cut her off.

"Shh, it's okay" I say with a sad smile. I wipe away the blood from her face with my clean hand. 

"You did what you had to do and I'm thankful for that. But you need some rest" I say in a whisper trying my best not to cry for her. 

"But-" She responds looking up into my eyes. I give her a reassuring look which stops her. I take the knife from her and put it next to me. I then sit on the floor, ignoring the pain. I pat my lap and she comes to sit on it. I run my hand through her hair while she rests her head on my shoulder closing her eyes. 

She had fallen asleep after a while so I got up. Caring her bridal style, I walk of into the, now, darkness of night to the local hospital.

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