part 24

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Berries POV
Yes, the dinner was awesome! but the dining... uuh not so much. Quite awkward if you ask me. Right now Haruhi ran off to the bathroom and Tama left to his room along with Kyoya to escort him. Me and Cherry were still slowly eating our meals and trying hard, along with Hikaru and Koaru to brighten the moods which is actually going well. We're good at not being awkward and that's probably because we're hosts. 

After a while of talking I look out the window to see the storm is going to get worse soon. So being the protective sister I was I try to get us to our room.

"Uuh yea it's was nice chatting and all but we need to go" I say a little to worried but they didn't notice, saying their good nights as well but Cherry noticed and knew why.

We walked over to our room with a silence. Not dramatic, Cherry is a little shaken but she knows I'm with her. Me? I'm fine...well kind of. You already know one of my fears but I have another. I fear for my sister. She is my flesh and blood and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. I don't want her to move away. I want her here with me... isn't that what a lot of people want? Love? 

She's the only source of love I have and I don't want to loose it. I am her and she is me and we are both in our little world, our little station of fun and trust. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard thunder. I was standing against the closet while my sister was sitting on the side of the bed, back facing me. I just kept staring at her shivering form with worry but don't go to her side.

Lately she wanted to overcome her fear and she wants me to help her with that. I got to pretend like I'm not here. I understand so I go with her wish. With every smack of lightning she jumps and shivers. I hear whimpers and that just made me even more worried. I don't want her to cry, that's the last thing I want her to do. With every smack I see her crumble and with every crumble a tear falls. Not hers, not from the rain outside but from me. I can't take this.

"Berry... please tell me you're there" Cherry called out. I rub a tear away.

"Yes I'm here. I'm always here for you... I'm never leaving" I reassure her and slide down the closet to the floor crossing my legs. She turns around and her face showed it all.

Her cheeks were red and drenched in tears and her eyes were red and puffy. I tap my lap. she jumps at another clap but runs over to me and sits on my lap. I hug her with my chin resting on her head. I rub her head as she sobs in my shirt. I didn't care I just wanted her to feel safe when she was with me. I guess you could say I was the mother most off the time but she also helps me. I rub her... Cherry hair. I chuckle.

"W-what you laughing at?" Cherry sobbed out. She then rested her chin on my shoulder as i did the same.

"I just find it ironic how our hair is as red as berries and cherries" I say with a slight smile making her chuckle a little and move away from my shoulder to rub the tears off her face, not doing a good job at it as they kept flowing. I moved her hand away and rubbed it away with my thumb.

"You only realize that now?" She questions with a smile. I stop rubbing the tears away as they were now gone and laughed.

"I guess I did" I admit.

"Silly" She said with a giggle. I then kiss her forehead and hug her.

"Are you better?" I ask, still hugging her. There was a slight pause.

"Yea but... can we stay like this till the storm goes?" She asks me as she hugged me back.

"...Sure... Anything for you" I say.


A little time had past when I hear yelling. Sounded like Tama. I sigh and look down to Cherry to see she was asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I got up and carried her to the bed. We both were very heavy sleepers but I knew she would wake up eventually so I put her under the blanket and got my headphones and her phone. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen, scribbling something on the paper. I put all of that on the bedside table.

I then walk up to the door and open it. Before I leave I look back at her sleeping form. I sigh and head out closing the door.

I'll be back Cherry... I'll be back

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