Part 33

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Berries POV

I saw my phone sitting on the couch and slowly walked over to it. I faked a smile as best I could while saying bye to everyone and giving a hug to Honey. Once I got my phone I looked if I got a message but there were none. I didn't really mind though. I locked my phone and stuck it in my pocket. I sigh when I turn around and see Hikaru was here, staring at me. 

"About what happened back there..." He says awkwardly rubbing his neck but I cut him off trying to lighten the mood.

"which one? the kiss or what my sister did?" I say trying not to show how scared I was when mentioning the kiss. He jerked his head up in surprise when I mentioned it but then tried hiding his shock.

"Uuh the kiss." He says with a chuckle. I start walking towards the door but try to not show I was in a rush.

"Don't worry about it, it's over" I say avoiding eye contact when I walk past him. My small smile started to falter. I could see he wasn't very happy with what I said.

"Oh um that's not really what I wanted to say" He said grabbing my arm softly. I halt and heave a sigh. Suddenly my mood changed to irritation and anger. It's been quite a roller coaster of a day so this didn't surprise me.

"What? Spit it out already" I say which surprised him and myself if I had to be honest, I didn't mean to make it sound so harsh. 

"Can you just listen to me?" He raised his voice and tightened his grip. Suddenly memories flooded to my head and I wanted to cry again but held back the tears. I flinch at the sudden move and he fixes his mistake.

"Sorry, can you look at me please?" He says quietly and I thought if I should. I turn around slowly but can't manage to look him in the eyes. I felt as if I would cry if I did. 

"I said look at me god damn it!" He turned into a totally new person then and I couldn't believe it. I start to panic, this isn't Hikaru. I reach for my pocket and slowly take my pocket knife. 

"I-I'm really sorry I didn't mean to, oh god" He said leaving my arm and I relax for a second. I hesitantly look into his eyes. What I saw wasn't what I thought would be there. His brown eyes were a grey and his orange hair was blonde. He smirked at me and I just let the tears flow.

"I'm really sorry I didn't do that sooner" Akihiko whispered into my ear and I take a step back, bumping into the door. 

'This isn't real' I kept repeating in my head but he wouldn't go away. I started to panic even more. Then everything went black.


I open my eyes to see Hikaru coughing up blood, I was sat on his stomach with my legs keeping his arms to his sides. My eyes widen when I look to his chest, there was a knife sticking out of it, about an inch from the heart. My hands were wrapped around it. 

I couldn't do anything and just stared at him in panic and shock. Tears were flowing down my face.

"H-Hikaru, oh god what have I done I'm so sorry what happened?" I kept talking frantically but I was cut off by his hand touching my cheek. He rubbed the tears away but it was useless as it just carried on. I looked at his face and he was... smiling?

"Why are you smiling you bird brain?!" I screamed at him with anger and confusion. He chuckled and said nothing. His blood was getting everywhere now. My legs were soaked and my hands as well. His eyes were starting to loose color and that scared me.

"Don't you dare die! Stay awake! Don't close your eyes!" I say reaching for my phone ready to call the ambulance. 

"D-don't, it's to late" He said and then coughed blood and some got onto my shirt. 

"No! No it's not! You're lying! Don't you dare die!" I say shaking him. 

I heard running coming from behind the door but ignored it. I heard the door slam open but I ignored it. All I could do was scream at Hikaru to not die. Screaming his name. I heard screams from the door. I felt two arms trying to pull me away from Hikaru but I fought, trying to get to him but the guy was to strong. 

"Hikaru! You can't do this to me Hikaru! Please don't leave me! Hikaru!" I could feel my throat start to hurt with all the screaming but I never stopped.

"He's gone! He's dead! Give up already!" I heard the man that was taking me away say with sadness in his voice. Slowly I calm down with the fighting when I realize what he is saying is true. More and more tears came down my cheeks like waterfalls. I give up fighting completely and fall to the floor, I hug my legs and stare at Hikaru's limp body. 

I notice the person who took me away was Tamaki and the people by the door were my sister and Koaru. She was hugging Koaru who was crying into her shoulder. We both made eye contact and no emotion was shown. I had a feeling she new this might happen one day and I'm not surprised. 

But there was one thing that made me mad to my core and that was that she was comforting him and not me. Immediately it felt as if i had no control over my body. No control over my mind and no control over my emotions. 

Slowly I got up and moved over to Hikaru. The tears had stopped and I bent down to him with no emotion on my face. I grabbed the knife and Tamaki gave me a look of confusion. I pulled it out with ease and stood up. My body goes limb and I look over my shoulder to the new "couple" with disgust.

"Hey Cherry-" This caught everyone's attention "Didn't you say no one would every get into our world?!" With that she looked at me with shock. Without any control my arm through the knife directly into Koaru's head. Everything felt like it went in slow motion . 'No! This isn't me! What have I done?!'  I thought in my head but couldn't manage to say. Cherry screamed and we all watched as he fell to the floor. 

Tamaki walked further away from me in fear. 

"What's wrong with you?! You-you freak!" Tamaki yelled at me pointing his finger. I look at him with surprise and try to tell him that it wasn't me but he started running away. 

I look over to my sister and see her crying, looking down at Koaru's body with shock then to me. I reach out my arm to her and take a step forward with hope that she would understand.

"No, you know I love you but this was way to far. You're insane. You hear that?! Insane!" With that she took the knife and tried throwing it at me but she had no training in knife throwing so I dodge it easily. But I wish she wouldn't of missed because I know that it would hurt less than hearing those words come from her. 

She ran away and I could hear police sirens from outside the window but I didn't care. No tears came out of my eyes, I felt no emotion besides hatred for myself and my actions. 

Slowly I walk over to the window and see the students have evacuated the school and I saw my sister run into Takashi's arms crying. That shot my heart with more anger. 

I climb onto the couch and open the window. Everyone looked up at me with surprise and horror. Probably with all the blood on me. So much blood was shed today and so many lives were lost... So what is one more life going to do? 

Just then I hear the door behind me slam open and someone scream for me to stop. With that thought surrounding my head one tear falls down my cheek and I fall to my death.

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now