Part 5

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Berries POV

 "We are the Namati twins" We say together.

"I'm Berry." 

"And I'm Cherry" We both introduce ourselves. 

"We don't want to be your friends" I state. 

"So please don't try to be" Cherry says destroying the hopes of some of the girls, I saw it in their faces.

"Any questions?" We both ask and multiple hands shoot to the sky. I pointed my finger to a girl with back hair and green eyes. 

"Has anybody ever been able to tell you two apart?" She asks us with to much hope in her eyes that I actually felt sorry for her a bit but it went away quickly. 

"No" I say emotionless. 

"No, not unless we do something slightly different." Cherry added shrugging.

"Like our hair is parted different ways today." I say pointing to my fringe. 

"But we don't do it often so to bad, your going to have to figure it out those other days." We say together with sly grins on our faces.

"Okay I think one's enough for now, please girls, pick a seat" We looked around and saw two open seats far in the back. Walking over, we sat there. We sat there for a little bit and we both got bored cause we already knew these things. I took out a piece of paper and started to right a note to Cherry.


- Hey Cherry I'm bored what u want to talk about?

- Me to, what are we going to do at break time?

- I was thinking about exploring the school I'm not that hungry.

- Yea me to, so it's sorted we are going to explore the school.

- okay but do you think those other twins will ever be able to figure us out?

- nah don't think so.

- yea okay.

We carried on talking about random things until the bell rang indicating it was break time. We packed our stuff up and headed for the door until someone caught our arms. We looked back to see the other twins. We gave then a death glare that made them leave our arms.

"What do you want?" We asked them together irritation seeping from the words.

"We told you to leave us alone bird brains" We say together flicking their foreheads. 

"Hey! We're not bird brains!" The one in front of me yelled. We snickered and started to walk away. 

"Okay then, nothing to say?" I ask walking away, we didn't even give them time to speak until Berry started taking. 

"Well then leave us alone... bird brains" We both snickered and ran away before they could say anything. When we were far away we started walking again and explored the school. We didn't explore much till the bell rang again and we jogged of to our next class. 

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now