Part 4

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Cherries POV

"Ah you're here just on time I see, please, come sit" He says to us gesturing to the two seats in front of his desk. We both walk to the chairs and sit in it. 

"Thank you sir" We say in unison. 

"Please, call me Mr. Suoh, and you two are?" He asks us

"I'm Cherry"

 "And I'm Berry" 

"And we are the Namati twins" We introduce ourselves. 

"okay, well girls, here are your time tables" He says while handing out our time tables. 

"You both have the same classes, but I gave both of you each one in case one of you lose yours" He tells us with a nice smile. 

"Thank you Mr. Souh" I thank him letting Berry ask the big question.

"But can you give us some directions to class 1 A?" Berry asks.

"Sure, when you go out, turn to your right and walk on until you reach a door that says 'class 1A'" He says with no hesitation. 

"Thank you Mr. Suoh" We both thank him and get up from our chairs, bowing slightly. 

"No problem, enjoy your time here!" he says and we nod and leave. 

Once we get out, we follow the directions he gave us. 

"These people are so cheerful, its annoying." i say to my sister in front of the door. 

"I agree but lets just get used to it okay?" She tells me and I just nod. we open the door.....

We hear chatting and giggling. 

"Hello girls! Oh my, another pair of twins, please forgive me if I get you two mixed up. Please come in and introduce yourself to the class." the teacher says sweetly, we nod and walk in. All the chatting and giggling stopped as soon as we stepped in front of the class. I saw the other twins, they were boys, they both had orange hair lighter than ours and hazel eyes.

 "Attention class today we have two new students and I hope you treat them well" She says to the class and they all nod...

And we start our introduction...

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