Part 8

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cherries POV

"why don't you come and look?" They both ask us with mischievous smirks. 

"Umm... lets think." I say with a finger on my chin pretending to think. 

"Lets say... no" Berry says bluntly, putting her hand on her hips. 

"Yea we aren't going to your stupid host club" We say, me also putting my hand on my hip.

"Okay then...just like us." Koaru whispers the last part but I heard it. 

"We are nothing like you so quit bothering us, bird brains" I say and my sister nods. We turn around. Our hair was so long it actually hit them in the face XD. We giggled and walked off. 

We walked around the rest of the time. 

"I can't wait to get back home." I say stretching my arms. We walked to the entrance and wait there for our limo. 

"Hey sis, how much longer?" Berry asks me. I look down at my watch, she has one too but she's a lazy ass.

"He's 10 minutes late." I tell her glaring at the street. 

"Damned idiot" We say together glaring at the street. A few minutes pass and berries phone rang. She takes it out. 

"It's the driver" She tells me answering it and putting it on speaker. 

"Hello?" We call out together. 

"Hello ladies, please forgive me but I might be a bit late from traffic-" We cut him off.

"yea we've noticed." hHe sighs carrying on. 

"Please do be patient and don't murder me this time" He says through the phone. We giggle and tell him to hurry up then, ending the call, we sit down on a bench...

"Boo" I shot up clutching my chest yelping in surprise and so did my sister. We look behind us to see two laughing twin douche bags. They soon fall on the ground laughing tears pouring out their eyes from laughing. Few seconds later they get up and wipe their eyes 

"Y-your faces were priceless!" They say in between giggles. We just sigh and they calm down. 

"Well ladies, what are you still doing here I thought you hated this place?" Hikaru says. 

"Yes we do" I say crossing my arms. 

"But our ride is stuck in traffic" Berry says doing the same. The douche bags look at each other and evil smiles form on their faces. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"Koaru asks his brother. 

"I think I am dear brother" And they both side glance us they very slowly walk to us with their arms out like they were about to try and grab us. 

"Hey sis, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Berry asks me quickly. 

"I definitely am" I say. We both have our eyes wide. 

"...RUN!!!!" We shout out. We both shoot off running and they run after us. We ran for like maybe 15 minutes and we looked at them and they were on our tails about a few feet behind. We were to tired to run any longer so we slowed down. They got closer...and closer...shit they haven't noticed. 

"Oof!" They bump into us and we all fell down. Koaru fell on me and Hikaru fell on Berry. Koaru was so close to my face....heat on cheeks....then whole face. 

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!" Me and Berry scream REALLY loud. Sometimes in our old school we were called the deaf makers or the scream sisters because we scream so loud. Once we made a boy deaf for a couple day, we couldn't speak for 1 or 2 days, yea I know, cool right? They get off of us and fall on their sides holding their ears, eyes closed shut and anime tears going down their faces. We got up and gave each other a high five.

"What was that for!" Koaru shouts at us, his voice almost sounding like it was breaking a bit. 

"For tackling and chasing us!" We scream out at them. 

"Oh yea, that reminds us" They say in unison getting up from the floor, somehow forgetting about what happened and grabbing our arms. Pulling us. 

"Hey, let us go!" we shout, struggling out of their iron grip. 

"No!" They shout still pulling us. 

We heard doors open and they walk in. They were now carrying us over their shoulder cause they got tired of pulling us. I look over to my sister with a worried look and she has the same.

"Hey guys we would like you to meet these two" They say together putting us down. just as they put us down we stepped back and kicked them in the gut, tripping them then punching them into the stomach. They curl into little balls and clutch their stomachs. 

"Wow we didn't even punch you that hard" I say dusting my hands and Berry rubs off imaginary dust off her shoulders. It's true we didn't.

"Yea, you guys are total wimps" She says looking over to them. They finally get up dusting themselves.

"We aren't wimps you just... caught us off guard." Hikaru says folding his arms over his chest. "Yea, sure we did~" I mocked them. We turn around to see nothing, just couches and tables....

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