Part 20

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*if you guys haven't noticed the story line is not like the anime series and I'm sorry i just don't want to go with it. i just want to more fun for me to write (the same for you to read) and i think you guys can recognize the episodes if you don't then you didn't pay much attention anyways thank you for reading so far and enjoy your day or night* 

Berries POV:

"Wooohooooo!!" Cherry and I yell out splashing into the water then rising up giggling and waving simultaneously at the boys on the shore giggling as they jump in as well splashing us.

Having a splash party with 4 boys and 2 girls isn't fair let me tell you that- well unless you flirt with 2 of them to join our team that is. Which is exactly what we did. Yes I know we are the best you can stop clapping no-

"Aah!" both of us yell out in surprise as we were lifted up in the air, sitting on 2 of the boys shoulders. once we got over the shock and got our balance of course we giggled.

The boys that didn't have 2 (Might i say gorgeous) red heads on their shoulders said they were going to go rest on the shore, leaving and guess what? Went and laid on the beach. Me and Cherry started trying to push each other off the boys but we took so long cause both of us were so good at it the guys went under without warning us! While I was under I just stayed there my back facing the ocean bottom as I stared up at the sky. Cherry went up already but I wanted to take in the sight. It was so beautiful. Closing by eyes with a small smile on my face I float there but got interrupted by two arms wrapping around me, startling me. I got pulled up to the top off the water. Looking up at the person I saw Hikaru.

"Why hello Hikaru" I say with a smirk. He looks down at me also with a smirk on his face. 

"Why hello there, you know it still shocks me that you can tell me and Koaru apart but we can't do the same" He admits making me giggle as I roll out his arms into the water facing him as I kept a float. 

"Is there anything you two don't have in coming?" He asks with a smirk still there stuck in place.

I put a finger on my chin faking to think. 

"yes, actually" I say and his eyes go wide 

"One thing actually, but you got to figure that out sweet Hikaru, by the way I'm Berry" During saying that I had slowly swam behind him and whispered that I'm Berry in his ear. Smirking as I see his ears go red. I made Hikaru blush how cute. 

"wellgottogetbacktotheclientsbye!" He says quickly as he swam off at almost in-human speed. I blink trying to find out what he said and when I did I burst out laughing. A few minutes later I was on the shore sipping on a juice box, Cherry of coarse doing the same. Sitting like mirror images on a towel my left hand holding me up and cherry her right. We were happily chatting with the boys -and flirting, it's our job- we just enjoyed the sunny weather tanning our legs.

We got a little bit bored so we told the boys we would be back and they were sad but let us be. Walking along the shore we hear 3 males talking, they sound so familiar who could they be? Oh wait it's Tamaki and the twins!... 

They were talking about Haruhi and if she has a fear, making a competition out of it. Really? how supid-ly amazing. Jumping out of the rocks we were hiding behind frightening the 3 men screaming 

"We want to join as well!" 

Once they got over the shock they chuckled at our cheerfulness- well Tamaki did.

The twins got into it also screaming like little kids -just like we did- "Hell yea!" 

*To be continued*

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