Part 7

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Berries POV

Our parents said they wanted us to join a club so they are only going to send a limo after club hours. Our parents are annoying, always wanting us to have friends. Me and berry decided to go to our spot where we go for brakes, it was behind the school where not many people go to. You could kind of say it was abandoned.

 It was a bench that was pushed against the school wall that had a view of a small garden with a small pond. Some ducks were waddling around it with no worries in the world. We took our lunch that we didn't eat and started feeding it to the ducks which they happily ate. When we  fed all the bread to the very fat looking ducks I took out a magazine and we looked through it, circling the things we would like to have. We looked through 2 magazines by now and an hour had already past. 

"sheesh I'm bored, how long is club hours? It feels like an eternity." My twin sister asks with clear irritation in her voice. 

"I think it was and hour and a half I'm not sure though, didn't pay attention" I say in a bored tone. 

"Fine, lets go take a walk then." Cherry says getting up from the old, creaky bench. I get up after her and we walk off in a random direction. 

We were walking threw the halls and we walked past a door that had a lot of squealing coming from within. It was so loud we had to cover our ears. Once we were far away we uncovered our ears and continued walking.

"I wonder what club that was" I ask my sister with a confused look. 

"Yea, me too, but I think it might be the rugby club and some girls swooning over their big 'muscles'" Berry says using air quotations when she said 'muscles'. We giggle at the thought and walk on only to be stopped with a tap on the shoulder. We turn around and grown at the sight.

 "So you think we have big muscles don't you?" It was the twins and we were getting quite annoyed. 

"Okay what to you want now?" I ask them with a annoyed voice. 

"We wanted to know if you wanted to check out the host club" I think it was Hikaru?....yes it was him his voice is deeper. We both sigh and tilt our heads in the opposite direction in confusion. 

"what is this so called host club?" We both ask. 

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