Part 30

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Berries POV:

"I've still got sand everywhere from the beach trip!" Tamaki yelled out in annoyance.

"You can say that again" Hikaru said tilting his head to the side hitting at his ear. Tamaki looked at him.

"I've still got sand everywhere from the be-" He did what he was told but got cut off by Haruhi.

"We get it" She said looking over her books top. Tamaki jumped slightly and looked behind him.

"Oh sorry my sweet little Haruhi but daddy almost forgot you were here" He said apologetically to the uninterested girl who just hummed a response, probably didn't even hear him. 

Cherry gave a giggle while I just sat there staring. I notice the asking expression she gave me but ignore it like I didn't see it. My mind was to far into the darkness of my thoughts that I didn't want to talk. I calmly watch as the host club does their thing. 

Kyoya was by his laptop, Hikaru and Koaru were practicing their act for the guests, Honey and Mori were figuring what other sweet things they should order, Tamaki was drinking some tea, Haruhi was reading and of course us, Cherry was laying down and resting her head on my lap while I just sat there. 


Some time went passed and I got up. 

"Where are you going?" My sister asked with concern. 

"Just to the bathroom, I'll be fine, don't worry" I look back with a smile. I just need some air. 

I walk over to the door and open it making my way down the hallways, taking my time looking at the scenery. It's club hours but we closed ours today for reasons that I didn't pay attention to. 

I hear footsteps behind me and walk a little faster.

I've gone in a circle around the school and I still hear them. I make my way to the bathroom door but was stopped by someone yelling my name. I look over. It was Hikaru coming the opposite direction I came, so it wasn't him. I look to the direction I came- nothing there. I look back to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me once he made it over. 

"Um...yeah, I'm fine just tired I guess" I answer and give my best yawn after but by the looks he is giving me he doesn't believe it.

"Okay then, I actually wanted to ask you something else" He said rubbing the back of his neck. I spin my whole body towards him.

"Yea?" I answer and he steps closer.

"Would... you be up for some...uh" He couldn't finish the sentence as he couldn't talk properly. I find it cute when guys do this but I didn't have the patience for it.

"Deep breathes, take your time" I say calmly with a smirk, putting my hands in my jeans pockets. He steps closer and breathes in then out.

"Uh... you have been acting weird lately, like a person who can't get over killing someone-" Oh god the irony is so strong that I can built iron mans suit with it. 

"And I was wondering if this would be a terrible time to ask but... you wanna go... out sometime" He says this all slowly and stepping closer and closer until I could feel his heat. 

My mind tried processing the sentences he spewed out of his mouth and my mouth wasn't looking forward to having to answer it. I smile.

"Is the one and only Hikaru asking me out? You even sure I'm the one you like?" I say. As I say the last part my face drops a little. It's happened quite a lot actually. he looks at me for a little time coming closer and closer to my face. I freeze.

"Yes and... yes" He said and I could feel his breath on my face and oh god it smelled like mint. I love mint. I come to the realization as to how close he is and that I haven't blinked... *blink*

"I...-" He interrupted me by cupping my face. Is he really is going to-

He decided to close the gap between us. My eyes widen, quite opposite to his closed one. 

There is something I need to say and that is that... I HAVE NEVER KISSED ANYONE BEFORE!!!

My calm stature stiffens up as I start to stress. Should I kiss back should I not? This is what happens after you skip the gushy parts of the stories. I curse to myself.

Time went by as I started sinking into the feeling of it. My eyes slowly started closing and my lips started to go to the rhythm. My arms snaked around him and he smiled into the kiss.

Then... I hear the bathroom door open next to me.

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