Part 31

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"Now we don't talk about this to anyone" Hikaru says smoothly with his finger under the girls chin. She starts to blush and looks over to me who was standing there dumbfounded at what was happening. She looks back to Hikaru and nods with a nervous smile. He smirks and turns away from her. She then runs off at an ungodly speed. I know that what he just did was mostly his job and such but I still felt a stitch of jealousy in my stomach.

"Uuh sorry about that" Hikaru says to me rubbing the back of his neck. I take my eyes from the floor and look at him with a ghost of a smile. 

"Sorry about what?" I ask. He stops rubbing the back of his neck and looks at me with a questioning expression on his face. I giggle. 

"I got to go" I say quietly pointing my thumb to the ladies bathroom sign. He looks at the sign and nods kissing my forehead. 

I quickly pull away. that's not Hikaru. His orange hair turned a sickly sweaty blonde and his brown eyes turned a grey with hunger in his eyes. No, no, he can't get me now. He is dead! 

I shake my head and look back to him to see Hikaru with a shocked expression. 

"I-I'm sorry" I whisper and run into the bathroom. I sigh and walk over to the sink. 

"Oh no no no trying to get away so soon, we only just met..." A shiver goes down my back as I hear his voice. He's in your head Berry! He's not real! 

"Oh come on tomato twin no mean to be so grumpy"  He whispers. I turn to where it sounds like he's talking. Nothing. I walk past all the toilet doors to see no one was in here. Just me. 

"Leave me alone" I say with tears welling in my eyes. 

"That isn't really my intention little girl" He says.

"You're dead! I killed you!" I yell out with tears going down my face. All of this bringing back the memories I tried to forget.

"Oh I know" He says and you could practically hear his smirk. When he said that I saw blood everywhere around the bathroom. I look down to my now blood drenched hands. I hear sniffing from under the sink and look over to see my younger sister crying with her clothes looking dirty and torn. More tears go down my face when I see all the dead bodies around me. 

I run to the sink and turned on the tap trying hard to wash off the blood. Scrubbing and scrubbing, repeating that this is just in my head, just a dream.

Screaming. All I heard was all those men screaming. The mirror started to crack. I look at myself to see me covered in blood everywhere. My hair was damp from sweat and my eyes blood shot from crying. 

Is this really me? Am I loosing my mind? But why now after all this time why now?

The room around me started to get dark. All I could focus on was the blood and dead bodies.

"You killed us all" I see him through the mirror whispering in my ear. My body stiffens and my sobs became louder. 

"Now, I need one little favor, my beauty" He whispered, stroking my hair. I close my eyes as my body starts to shiver from anger. 

"You don't deserve my help" I whisper with anger clear in my voice. 

"Sorry I couldn't catch that?" He says with a smirk. My fists tighten so hard that my knuckles start to turn white.

"I said, you don't deserve my help!" I yell, punching the already cracked mirror over and over, shattering it into pieces. My sobs became louder while more tears came down my face

"Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone..." I kept repeating to myself over and over again. Slowly everything became brighter and the blood started to go away. I fell to my knees looking at the bodies disappearing around me. 

Soon... all there was, was me. sitting there crying surrounded by glass and my knuckles bleeding from being cut. 

"You're weak" I hear him whisper for the last time. Then everything became dark as I fall to the ground...

no one can come into our little world (ohshc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now