Part 22

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Berries POV

We walked up the small hill to the mansion as Tamaki, who just started a fuss was walking next to me and Haruhi who doesn't see why he is in such a bad mood walked next to my sis Cherry. I sigh and look up to the blonde  even more birdbrain than the actual birdbrains stomping, smoke almost coming out his ears. He noticed me staring and looked down at me with a gentle expression.

"See something you like?" He asks with a smirk and I frown. He's flirting with me while he just shouted at the one person who didn't do much for the argument he made. I looked at him for about 5 more seconds then looked away to the ground. 

"Hey what's wrong its not my fault!" He yelled at me. I felt Cherry look at the scene who was a few steps behind us.

"Don't yell Tama" I say in a monotone calm voice. I learnt this with Cherry. I side glance him to see he had a confused expression but calmed down.

"I know it wasn't your fault and I understand where your coming from." I look up to him again with a faint smile 

"You want her to be safe and I understand, I got the same with Cherry... but" I look down to the ground again. 

"She was a girl without a mother figure to tell her right from wrong so she acted on instinct to protect the girls" He stopped staring at me and moved his gaze to the dirt. 

"Just... don't be to hard on her considering no one else was near to help besides her. You saved her and she thanked you, end of story. Now Tamaki if you got anything from what I just said please think it threw. If it doesn't satisfy you I wont argue. One more thing. Everyone does stupid things and for all the things she has done for you I would just like you to do something back for her, please Tama she needs it" I say, the last three words only came out as a mere whisper but he heard it. I plastered a genuine looking fake smile on and looked him straight in the eyes then turned around.

"Come on Cherry lets go find our rooms" I call out to her and she looks up with a relieved expression and ran with me to the building.

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