Part 9

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Berries POV

....wait what was that. I walked over to the couch and looked behind it to see a blonde hair boy around our age crouching behind the couch in fear, shivering. He didn't see me yet.I looked over to my sister and motioned for her to come over quietly. She came over and looked over the couch at the frightened boy. A smile showed up on her face and that signaled we both had the same idea in mind. We lean over the couch...

"Boo" We try and scare him. 

"Don't hurt me!" He screams out loud. We burst out laughing, falling on the floor rolling around, crying from all the laughing. We finally stop and get up, wiping the tears from our eyes. It appears the other twins were also laughing. The guy got up straitening himself, trying to pretend that never happened. 

"Scaredy cat~" Me and Cherry say together in a melodic tone. 

"Am not!" He screams out, going to a corner mopping. I turn around 

"Who was that anyway" I ask 

"That's Tamaki Souh the creator of this club." A boy with black hair and glasses walks in out of nowhere holding a black book. 

"I presume you two are the Namaki twins" He says to us looking up from his book. 

"Yea" We say together. 

"Now if you don't mind" Cherry starts 

"We would like to-" I was cut of by and tug on my sleeve. I look down to see the same boy that helped us to the principals office. 

"Please don't leave" He says to us with cute puppy eyes. 

"Why?" we ask.

"Don't you want to get to know us all, dear princesses" The blonde asks us, apparently gotten over that whole incident. He was holding a rose out. 

"No thanks" I say blankly. 

"But whyyyy~" He moans. 

"Cause we didn't even wa-" Cherry was cut off. 

"Please~" The bird brains whine. 

"Jeez, fine then" When I said that, a boy comes out of the kitchen. He had abnormally large eyes for a boy and short brown hair. 

"Did I miss anything?" He asks looking directly at us with a blank look. 

"No, no just in time Haruhi" Tamaki says motioning for him to come over. 

Once he came over they were all standing in front of us. 

"As you should know we are the host club, a club where rich handsome boys with to much time on their hands entertain young ladies such as yourselves with also to much time on their hands" Tamaki says to us with a smile. 

"okay" We both say blankly. 

"Now there are different types to choose for example take the twins they are the mischievous types or the little devil types" He says pointing to the two smirking twins. 

"We can see that" I say both of us glaring at them but looking back. 

"And what are the others?" Cherry asks. 

"This is Honey" He points to the small boy who helped us. 

"He's the boy Lolita type and this is Mori" He points to the tall guy that was with Honey.

"He's the strong silent type" Mori nods at us with a smile. (I'm to lazy, you guys should know the characters XD)  

"Okay then can we go now?" We ask boredly. The twins nod their heads with very small smirks on their faces almost like they were trying to hide them.

They were planning something.

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