Part 15

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just to inform you when it says that the girls go to each of the Hitachiin twins its always Berry with Hikaru and Cherry with Koaru. so like the oldest together and the youngest together. ok just wanted to say that... enjoy!


Berries POV

Me and Cherry were sitting on the host clubs couch near a window playing on our DS. Cherry was the one playing, I was just watching, giving my own comments here and there. 

The guys were having a meeting and we were not interested really. They were whispering but we didn't pay much attention to it. Today we wore jean shorts with black veil brides t-shirts (the image). They were one of our favorite bands and our favorite song of theirs were savior (nice song btw). Our hair was down, falling down our backs. 

I look up to the guys and saw the twins side glancing us and I raised an eyebrow. They looked away and I nudged Cherry. She paused the game but talked before I could.

"Yea I saw that too." She said calmly with no emotion. I smile.

"Good, but why are they staring?" I whispered to her and she shrugged. The boys were facing away from us so we got up behind them to listen.

"So what are we going to do about this weekend?" The twins asked. Seriously? that's what their talking about? Haruhi had already gone home but everyone was still here. Which means only Honey the twins and Tamaki were talking. Mori was just standing there listening and Kyoya was being his boring self and on his laptop. 

"Don't know, I guess we could just relax this weekend we could need it" Tamaki says thoughtfully with a finger on his chin. We raise our eyebrows at this. Like really they need to have a meeting to talk about their weekends. We got bored and leaned our elbows on each of the ginger twins with a bored expression. 

"Really?" I say lazily.

"You need to talk about this?" We say and it seemed to startle everyone from our sudden appearance. They recovered very quickly though.

"Well yea we get bored at our houses so we like to hang out sometimes" Honey says with a wide smile. We giggle and look directly at Tamaki with mischievous smirks. His eyes widen a little scared.

"Well good luck with that cause we're going to Haruhi's house" We say together, leaning against each others backs with our arms crossed. It was a lie, we just wanted to see their shocked expressions and it apparently worked.  Both the twins and Tamaki's mouths were open with wide eyes. 

"Cool!" Honey chirped in and we couldn't help but giggle at him. We stood up straight and put our index fingers under the each twins chins and made them close it. 

"You're going to catch a fly" We say to them while I closed Tamaki's mouth as well. 

"How did you manage to ask her that!?" Tamaki almost yelled. We raise an eyebrow.

"Her?" I ask crossing my arms.

"You mean Haruhi is a girl?" My trusty twin sidekick asks doing the same as I did. The twins glare at Tamaki while Honey gasped. Kyoya looked up from his laptop and shook his head slowly.

"N-no you're j-just del-lusional" He stuttered but we weren't buying it. 

"Oh? Cause the faces in this room" I start, taking a step towards him.

"Say something different" Cherry says also taking a step closer. We smirk at how scared and nervous he looked and went closer, unfolding our arms.

"What's wrong daddy?" I ask innocently. He has been calling us his mischievous daughters so we call him daddy sometimes to tease him.

"Scared we're going to tell" Cherry asks just as innocent and Tamaki laughs nervously. Our faces become blank and we head back to the couch.

"Don't worry we wont tell" We say together then went over to the couch for our bags. 

"After all" We look over to them with evil grins spread on our faces. 

"She is our dearest Haruhi" We say in a creepy voice. 

With that we head out of the club doors but not home. We've been very bored lately so we followed haruhi the other day. We went the same direction to Haruhi's house and saw her walking on the side walk so we jogged over to her side...  

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