Part 19

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Being the sweet, lovely Honey, he asked if she could make something. The girls hearing this jumped, standing behind Honey saying they wanted to help her as well.

Side glancing the three over dramatic boys (Tamaki, Hikaru and Koaru) the girls snicker knowing they didn't like what they were doing but before anyone could notice they went back into act and stared at Haruhi with wide eyes. Haruhi contemplated it a bit finally agreeing making Honey and the two girls jump up yelling 'we can't wait!'. 

Berry and Cherry really got confused as to how Haruhi couldn't hear the guys wining- maybe she was ignoring them and if she is she was insanely good at it. But they just blamed her hearing skills.

Muttering under her breathe Haruhi moaned that she had to go to the super market again. Hikaru and Koaru chirped in saying they also wanted to go making every body else want to as well- even Kyoya! 

Skipping out the door came the four trouble making twins singing 'commoners supermarket' over and over again being followed by Kyoya, Honey and Mori.

As they walked off they didn't notice Haruhi and Tamaki hadn't followed in their footsteps. Also not paying much attention to the woman walking past them with a huge grin and strut in her step. Only the girl twins in the group stop suddenly, noticing the missing of the annoying voice of the one and only king Tamaki. Turning around they didn't see them so they shrugged and walked back completely forgetting about the other 5 still walking. But not soon followed by the other pair off twins. All four off them poked their heads in asking whats taking them so  long only to see the previous woman (That is actually Haruhi's father) was pinning a flailing Tamaki to the ground with his foot. He screamed out for them to help him. But they did quite the opposite.

Hikaru and Koaru walked on his back while Berry and Cherry walked stood either side of them they all four greeted Haruhis' dad introducing themselves by their surnames then going on to complementing him then going on to insulting Tamaki just to make his life a bit more harder than usual- you know like they usually do? 

As Haruhis' father introduced himself as Ranka he also explained how he knew about the host club and all their names by Kyoya. All this while the four twins sat there with huge grins on their faces and Tamaki in a corner... sulking- you know the drill.

"I don't know what it is about Haruhis' dad but something reminds me of someone" Hikaru chirped in.

"I agree" Berry agreed

"I guess that's why he's so good at handling the boss" Koaru points out.

"I agree" Cherry also... agrees

After a while Haruhi walked off saying she wanted to go to the market ALONE. Hikaru and Koaru called out to go with but was cut off by Ranka saying that when Haruhi set her mind to something it stayed. Oh and Tamaki is still growing mushrooms- anyone up for some mushroom soup? anyone? okay more for me *ignores everyone who put their hands up cause I'm a greedy bitch and I love mushroom soup*

"Now that we got all the introductions out of the way... how about you boys want to have some fun?" Ranka said forgetting about the two girls as they weren't really there anyway.

Hikaru and Koaru realizing this look around for the girls but soon knew exactly where they were. They were following Haruhi which is exactly what they were going to do so they caught up with them quite quick actually.

"I have quite a selfish reason for bringing you all out here with me, I want to be seen with a bunch of cute boys and girls!" Ranka declared.

"Sure enough those two are definitely cut from the same cloth" All four twins said together. Their eye widen as they all stare at each other but shake their heads giggling.

As they were in the super market they all (besides Tamaki and Ranka) didn't even try to hide from Haruhi but strangely enough she is as blind as a bat. And deaf as well as almost the whole host club walked around behind her talking- Honey almost yelling.

When they got back they made a lovely stew and sat around the small living room eating and laughing. And let me tell you this Tamaki got ALOT of crusantimone.

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