Part 23

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Cherry POV

I followed Berry until we called dibs on a room and started getting changed into clean clothes, preferably pajamas that were long violet pants with little stars and a t-shirt.

"It's going to storm tonight Cherry" She says in a worried voice and my heart drops.

"Uhh... when do you think it's coming?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"Nowhere around dinner which I think is almost done, lets go" She said in a cheery voice and I smiled and went with her to the dinning room. We open the doors to see a depressed Tamaki, the twins, Kyoya, Honey and Takashi. Everyone but Haruhi.

"Thank you but no autographs sorry" I say with a evil sort of chuckle. 

"And I hear- no I smell we're having crabs" Berry exclaims as we make it over to the table and turn to Honey.

"Aren't we Honey?" We both ask as we nuzzle Honey making him giggle.

Some time went by and Honey went to the kitchen to help carry the food. 

Finally Honey came in with the food and we ran over drooling at it. Honey asked Takashi to go get Haruhi but we didn't stop drooling once Honey mentioned it was gloomy outside.

"It's not just gloomy outside it's pretty gloomy right here in the dining room as well"   

"Just take a look at Senpi" The twins pointed out and we look over once again.

"Come on quit mopping boss" Hikaru said. Later on Haruhi came in wearing a very cute dress.

"My dad must of repacked my bag he's always trying to make me wear these frilly things" When Haruhi said that we snickered.

"Hey what's so funny" Hikaru asked us as he turned around.

"You jealous?" They both ask. We raise our eyebrows.

"We can get you guys one to if you'd like" Hikaru says while they both say with evil grins. We both flick their foreheads.

"You daydream all you want boys, not happening" We say to them and they frown, disappointed. We look over to Haruhi with kind faces.

"If you're wondering why we laughed at you we think you're cute" I point out ruffling her hair.

"We're just laughing at how different you look. We have extra pajamas if you want" Berry offers but I notice Haruhi slightly hesitate, taking a quick glance at Tama before looking back. 

"No thanks, it's okay" She protests. 

"As you wish madam" 

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