Part 6

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Cherries POV

When we got to class we saw the twins talking to some girls and a smirk appeared on both our faces thinking about something people might call mean. They were about to sit down when me and Cherry pull their seats back causing them to fall on the ground. We both burst out laughing 

"That was... to good!" I say while laughing 

"You two r-really are... b-bird brains!" Berry says as well, still laughing and gives me a high five. They both glare at us and sit back on their seats. We go over to our seats and sit down. A few minutes passed and our eyes traveled from the teacher to the boys heads.

"I think we found our new 'toys'" We mumble at the same with evil grins. They couldn't hear us as we sat far behind them in a corner. Class was boring as ever so we just talked a little more we decided to explore some more after school to see where we will sit every break while we eat our lunch. When the bell rang we packed our stuff. We were about to get up when we noticed bird brains where standing in front of our desks. 

"Oh look Cherry it's bird brains again" I call to my sister with a grin. 

"Once again we are not bird brains!" They yelled at the same time. Berry turns to me. 

"Well it would be nice to know their names wouldn't it dear sister?" She asked me with a smirk.

 "So are you going to tell us or do you prefer bird brains?" We both asked turning back to them 

"I'm Hikaru" The one in front of me said. 

"And I'm Koaru" Said the one in front of Berry. I noticed Hikaru had a slightly deeper voice than Koaru so this wont be so difficult. 

"okay then, so what you two want this time?" I ask them in a bored tone.

"Yea, quit bothering us. We said we don't want any friends" Berry says glaring at them and I join her. 

"Wow their just like us when we were younger, hey Hikaru?" Koaru asked him. 

"Yea its quite interesting isn't it?" They started talking to each other about how much we four were alike. I didn't really agree with them and so didn't Berry. So while they were talking we snuck out and they didn't notice until we slammed the door shut. 

"Jeez those two are irritating." We both say in unison.

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