Part 11

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Berries POV

We were going to school now and weren't being bothered by the twins or anyone. We liked it and wanted to keep it that way. Call us isolated but we loved it. No one but just us, the only person I trusted was my sister and it won't change in a very long time. 

It's been about a week now and we were sitting in class and minding our own business when we heard a racket. Me and my twin turn to see that the two bird brains were throwing desks and tables or just basically anything they could find at each other.... even Honey!

This is weird, they fight? They must not have a good relationship... well that's boys for ya. Or they could be... faking it? Me and Cherry just stared at them with blank expressions. We look at each other then back at them and shrug. We got off of the desk we were sitting on and headed up to them. When we got there we noticed that they dyed their hair. Hikaru being pink and Koaru blue. They looked so weird we couldn't help but stifle a laugh. We notice Haruhi in the middle of all the ruckus. He didn't look so happy. I look over to Cherry and she did the same. We both shrug and walk over to him. The twins still didn't notice us but we didn't care. We got up behind Haruhi and picked him up by the arms and took him away from the war zone. Once we got away he looked at us dumbfounded while we stood in front of her. We just grin and wrap our arms around his shoulders. we were surprisingly a bit bigger than him so it was a bit easier.  We smirk deviously

"So?" I start.

"No thank you?" Cherry finishes. He seemed to snap out of his confused daydream.

"Oh! Thank you... but why?" He asks us and we stand up straight.

"Why can't we help someone that looks so miserable?" We ask together leaning on each other with our hand in our jeans pockets. Today we wore skinny jeans with blue shirts that fit us at every curve and edge. Our hair was down and curly parted different ways by the fringe. 

"Well you can... but you never do, so why me?" He asks us raising an eyebrow. We role our eyes.

"Well we need to ask you something" We say together a bit lower.

Just then the teacher came in.

"okay children sit down! sit down!" He screams and we look back at Haruhi telling him we will meet him later and sat down.

*time skip*

It was break and went to the cafe. The twins were there and we stood behind them in line. They were saying the same orders, later yelling them. We looked over their shoulders to see the chef utterly confused. We looked at the twins and they were glaring at each other their heads pressed together. Me and my sister got an idea and smirked. 

We stood behind them and pushed them with our hips and they stumbled. they fell forward and... kissed! They separated quickly and we could hear girls squealing while we clutched our stomachs laughing our ass's off. We could practically feel the glares burning us from the twins. There was no one else in the line so we didn't hold anyone back. We calm down, standing up straight, wiping the tears from our eyes with our free hand, our other holding the trays.

"Come on bird brains" Cherry starts in between giggles   

"Hurry up and choose something we're hungry" I say also in between giggles.

They growl and turn back this time choosing different meals and heading off to where Haruhi was sitting. Me and Cherry chose the same meals and going to our own desk where no one else sat. We finished quick and looked over to see Honey in the middle of Hikaru and Koaru holding a strawberry cake blabbering about god knows what. We shrug and head there. I swear I could see veins popping on the twins faces. Just then Mori came over and take him out the way.

"You're just making things worse" He mumbles to Honey.

We look at each other and walk over to honey. 

"Hey Honey" I say and we bend down to his height.

"Hey! uhh... " He looks at me.

"Berry" I say plainly.

"Oh! Hey Berry!" He looks over to Cherry 

"Hey Cherry!" He finishes.

"So you know what's going on?" I ask him. 

"And why on earth do you have a cake here?" Cherry says looking at the cake.

"Well first of all I don't know, they have never done this and second I was going to offer this to Hika-chan and Koa-chan but Mori says its a bad idea" He says looking at the cake with a blank yet slightly confused expression.

So if they haven't done this before then that means they must be faking. If twins were mad at each other then all hell would brake loose. They aren't  even close to that. Me and Cherry look at each other then look back at Honey who was looking at each of us. 

"Well thanks Honey and Thank you for this" Cherry says and grabs the strawberry from his hand that was about to eat it. She put it in her mouth and ate it. He pouted and we giggled then walked over to the twins that were throwing things around at each other again. and this time MORI AND HONEY!? How the hell are they that strong?! Haruhi left, taking her boxed lunch with her, telling us she would be in the class room. 

A few minutes past and the twins were busy eating. We went up to them and I went to Hikaru, Cherry over to Koaru. We bent down to their ears.

"We know why you're doing this... naughty boys, nice plan" We whisper together. 

They jump but smirk. They look at us and put their fingers to their lips. 

*Time skip*

We were walking down the corridor and happened to pass the host clubs room. We heard crashing. We giggle knowing who it is. We decide to eavesdrop and we opened to door slightly.

there in front of everyone was a huge mountain of desks, couches trays and lots, lots more.

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