part 26

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*Berries POV*

The love of two sisters are strong


The love of a twin is even stronger

That is me and Cherries saying. It's been like that since we were five and it hasn't changed. I'm not planning for it to either. so when I saw Koaru comforting Cherry my heart shattered. Is she sick of me already? No, that's not true it's a thunderstorm so she probably pretended he was me? 

I kept reasoning with my mind but nothing mended my heart. The funny part is that I'm not angry at Cherry... I'm angry at Koaru. It's all his fault. She's going to drift and it's going to be all his fault.

That night I decided to sleep on the couch. I didn't want to disturb them. Though It was difficult sleeping.


I just lay there staring at the ceiling. My mind was going a hundred miles per hour about what i just happened. asking all these questions that had no answers.

I reach into my pocket and take out my pocket knife. It was my favorite one. It's handle was red while the blade was sharp and black. On the blade closest to the handle was carved a 'B' all fancy like. Cherry had an identical but a 'C' was carved instead. It was both our favorite. 

I was busy playing with it when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.  My guard was heightened. Even if I'm curtain that this place is safe, you could never be to alert. The couch I was laying on was faced away from the door and although I wasn't fully laying down I still couldn't see who it was. Slowly the footsteps got nearer to the door. I hear it open and then feet being slurred like the person was sleepy. I then got flashbacks to when both me and Cherry were younger but decided to push them away.

"What are you doing here" I hear coming from none other than Hikaru himself and a yawn following. My alert then drops and I put my knife away.

"I should be asking you the same thing Hikaru" I say with a smirk looking up at him. He was leaning on the back of the couch looking down at me so I decided to sit more up. 

"I asked you first... you're Berry I presume" He said with a bored expression, almost tired.

"You presume correct may I have the honor of knowing how you got that information" I say with a overly faked royalty accent. He snickers with a smirk.

"Your knife... which looks cool I might say" He says looking at my pocket knife then back at me. I giggle at this.

"But never mind that stop changing the subject-" He yawns again 

"I asked you why you're here" He asked again. There was a moment of silence as I thought of my response.

"I... just needed some space to think... that's all" I say looking down at my hand. I could feel him not believing me.

"Okay then" He said as I look up at him again. There was a moment of silence again until I broke it.

"And what about you?" I ask.

"Mm?" He mumbles rubbing his eyes. The poor guy looks so tired.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat, looking away. Honestly my neck was getting sore.

"Oh yeah... I came here looking for Koaru" When he said his twin brothers name something stirred in my stomach and it wasn't the good kind but I pushed it away.

"Oh okay... I know where he is" I say looking at my hands. I wonder what he would think of this. I wonder if it would maybe break him to.

"You do?!" He said worried with wide eyes. He looked so worried in fact that it seemed like he thought I did something. I give him a glare which gave him a shiver. Are we really that scary?

"Calm yourself, he's safe" I said to reassure him. "He's gone to the bathroom I met him on the way here." I lied. 

"oh well okay I guess... a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do" He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. This made me giggle.

"Yea i guess" I say with a smile. He smiles.

"Come sit down" I say and give space for him to sit. He hesitates but does so.


"Hey look it's the tomato sisters!" One of the boys say pointing at us. Everyone laughs. The two girls start tearing up as they walk through the school hallway. Out of no where Cherry gets hit by a tomato. The laughter increases.


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