Part 28

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*Cherries POV*

These past day or two Berry has been acting very weird. Not paying attention, jumpy and very distant. Sometimes I have to repeat all the things I have to say.I'm very worried if it was my fault, from the storm. All these flashbacks from our childhoods are coming back. the bad ones. the ones we always tried to forget. 

"Hey, Berry... Berry" I repeat. this is getting annoying. She has never been like this and I'm scared 'it' might get her again. I sigh and take a deep breath. 

"BERRY!!!" I scream in her ear giving her a fright and rubbing her ears.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" She yelled back, still rubbing her ears. I shrug.

"You weren't listening" I say calmly like nothing really happened. He heaves a big sigh and stops rubbing her ears.

"Sorry" She says softly. I look over to her with a concerned look. She's staring at the ground.

"What's wrong Bear" I say as a nickname. She hates the nickname so that's why I use it. She looks at me directly in the eyes for a while. Almost trying to look for something. 

"You... know I love you right?" She says out of no where. I give a slight surprised look but nod my head all the same.

"And you know that I will never let you get hurt right?" She asks. 

"Yes Berry what's with all of this?" I ask with tears brimming my eyes. I don't know why this is making me want to cry. She looks down to my hands and grabs one holding it with her other hand. After a long silence she answers.

"You love me as well... right? You're not getting sick of me are you? Y-You wouldn't let me get hurt right?" She asks me sadly and desperately. This saddened me and a tear when don't my cheek. I sniff and grab her in a hug.

"Of course, I love you Bear. No matter how hard you try I'll never get sick of you. And no, if you do ever get hurt... again... that person will pay. You protected me at your worst and I have to return the favor. 'The love of two sisters are strong, but the love of a twin is even stronger.' Remember that? That saying will never change as long as I live. You are my other half and I'm yours." By this time she was sniffling in my sleeve getting it wet. I didn't care, it was an old shirt anyways. Although I don't think this is all that's on her mind.


Berry and I decided going home after that incident with the tomato. We weren't in the mood and we knew our parents weren't home yet. We do have maids but they understand. We felt slightly uncomfortable walking home that day though. It was dark and cloudy. Not many people were out because of school and jobs. We haven't had many experience with defending ourselves and/or fighting. 

Although there weren't any opposing danger I was shaking from head to toe with fear and unease. Berry felt this and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, which usually helped but today, it didn't. I felt in my guts that someone was watching us and I think Berry feels it as well. Our pace quickened with every step we took. 

After a while we saw someone behind us and started jogging but bumped into someone with an "Oof" falling down.

We both look up to see a guy in our school. He was one of the older grades but I can't remember. I heard he skips school a lot as well and gets loads of detention. All in all he has a bad reputation for being a 'bad boy'. My face immediately shifts into fear. 

His short blonde hair blew with the wind and his grey eyes blended in with the background. His extremely white teeth could be seen through his smirk. Soon enough, more and more of his pals, which were 3, came and surrounded us. 

Berry tried getting up but he pushed her down again. this made me mad but I was still to scared to fight.

"Oh no no no. Trying to get away so soon. We only just met." He says with a cocky voice and smirk. I glared at him.

"Oh come on Tomato twins, no mean to be so grumpy" He said while taking a piece of my hair and twirling it in his fingers. 

"I mean, excuse my manners. I'm Akihiko and you are...?" He waited for a response but got nothing except glares from us.

"Leave us alone" I say through gritted teeth still shivering. Akihiko looks over to me with an annoyed look.

"That isn't really my intention little girl" He says, sending chills down my spine. He comes closer to me slowly. With fear I try to move back but bump into one of his pals legs. Once he got close enough he reached his hand out but got cut off by Berry.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" She screamed out at him trying to sound threatening but failing when her voice started to shake. He paused and looked over to her then standing up straight.

He looked her up and down like she was his meal then put his hand on his hip.

"Well if you say so miss. Then I will" He said while walking over to her and taking a chunk of her hair and pulling her up. Berry grunted in pain and tried to kick him but missed. I was frozen.

"I like you. you're feisty" He said with lust staring at her chest. This made me furious. Berry saw me and gave me a look saying no. I frown.

"Okay boys. that girl is all yours. This one is mine. Have fun" The other 3 snicker.

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