Chapter 6

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Aaron's POV

I'm sitting in Zak's living room with him and his little girlfriend is nowhere in sight I look over at Zak who is on his phone I cough and clear my throat. "Your girlfriend not going to come say hi to me?" He sighs and rolls his eyes then looks over at me "She knows you don't like her bro can you really blame her for hiding in my kitchen while you're here?" Zak and I sit there for a while and talk I glance up but I continue the conversation when Mallory sits down across the room with her face buried in a book I look over at the cover and I'm half expecting it to be one of Zak's books and I'm surprised when I see that she's reading Pride and Prejudice. Zak gets up and stretches "I'm going to let Gracie out Aaron be nice to her." He walks out with Gracie at his heels I get up and walk over to the book shelf and start browsing some of the titles some of these books clearly belonged to her because I knew Zak wouldn't read any of these a few minutes later the silence in the room is broken by Mallory talking to me. "Aaron look out!!" I look up just as she gets up and pushes me out of the way at the same time Zak's TV remote hits the spot where only a few seconds earlier my head had been I turn around and look at her "Thanks for that." She nods "Don't mention it." She walks out of the room and leave me standing there and I wonder if I had been wrong about her the whole time.

Zak's POV

I walk in the house with Gracie and only see Aaron in the living room I swear if he said anything to her I was going to be beyond pissed off he was taking this too far. I walk over "Where's Mal Aaron?" He looks at me and I can tell something happened while was with Gracie "Bro you won't believe it I was over there by your bookshelf your remote got thrown at me and she pushed me out of the way before it my head." Even though Aaron didn't like her she did that for him he's my best friend and my brother but I don't know if I would have done that for him if I was here he looks at me "I think I was wrong about your girl I'm sorry about the things I said." I smile finally the two most important people might actually be getting "I'm not the one you need to apologize to bro but I'm glad you changed your mind about her she's really amazing." Aaron nods "I'll go talk her." I watch Aaron walk out of the room then I walk over and sit on the couch hopefully the two of them be able to straighten things out and become friends.

Mallory's POV

I look up from my book when I hear someone walking toward me I'm surprised when I see Aaron sitting in front of me I wonder what he could possibly have to say to me now. He clears his throat "I think we should talk I know you have every right to walk away but please hear me out first." I nod my head "Okay what's on your mind?" He takes a deep breath "I apologize for the things I said to you it was wrong and I shouldn't have judged you so quickly I shouldn't have said you were using Zak I should have tried to talk you and give you a chance so how about we give it another shot and maybe be friends this time?" If Aaron was willing to try and be friends so was I maybe, we could get along "I'd like that Aaron and I accept your apology being friends sounds nice." Aaron and I sit and talk or a bit then he asks me a question which is kind of funny "So what was Zak like when the two of you first met?" Just as I go to answer Zak answers "I was charming and a perfect gentleman." I roll my eyes and see that he's wearing a teasing smirk on his face I look at Aaron "He was rude he criticized everything I did so I got mad and sat in the grass and made him do it alone." We all laugh maybe being friends with Aaron wasn't so bad.

Zak's POV

I walk inside after another meeting I didn't think things had gotten so far behind and that I had missed so much but I did and even with all the meetings and talks of possible locations I didn't regret any of my decisions. I go to the kitchen and Mallory and Gracie are nowhere in sight from there I go to the living room and they aren't in there either maybe Mal took Gracie for a walk or something but that made me worry because Mal didn't know the neighborhood and she hadn't had the chance to go out and experience Vegas yet. I take a deep breath then go upstairs to my room and I stop then smile when I see Mallory asleep on the bed and Gracie is curled up against her sleeping wither head on Mallory's shoulder I shake my head then walk over to my two sleeping girls and sit down on the bed I tap Mallory on the legs a few times she rolls over and sighs but she doesn't wake up. I roll my eyes at how hard it is to wake her up I shake her a few times "Mal sweetie wake up." She yawns then wakes up and looks up at me "Hey Zak." I run my fingers through her long brown hair and look down at her "I know I have been pretty busy this week so how would you feel about us going out tonight?" She smiles and nods her head "I'd like that Zak." I smile then lean down and kiss her head "We'll leave in an hour then?" "Sounds great." She stretches and gets out of bed and I walk out of the room so she can start getting ready.

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