Chapter 46

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Zak's POV

We were getting ready to film the intro for the episode of Ghost Adventures we were filming we were going to be locked in a prison I figured it wouldn't be bad for Mallory's first lockdown with us. I start walking around the yard of the prison and look in the camera that Aaron is holding "We have had a variety of guests on this show and each one of them has brought something different to the investigation on this episode our guest is someone who means so much to me she's my best friend and my rock one of my biggest supporters tonight we will be joined by my girlfriend." She walks over to me you can't see how nervous she is but I can feel it and she went with black she was in black ripped jeans and a black shirt I knew she could do this I had faith in her and I would be there with her she had nothing to worry about. After the intro we walk out of sight from the cameras and I wrap my arms around her waist she looks up at me "You did great we are going to make one hell of a team tonight." She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me I kiss back and hold her because we wouldn't be able to do this tonight while we were filming.

" She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me I kiss back and hold her because we wouldn't be able to do this tonight while we were filming

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Ashley's POV

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Ashley's POV

Jay, Billy, and myself arrive in time for everyone to get locked in Aaron and Jay were usually the ones who would try to get Zak hooked up with his mic but when Mal was with us he would let her do it but since she was going in with them tonight someone was going to have to put a mic on her. I walk over to the van and see the two of them Zak is getting her mic'd up for tonight and she's doing the same for him this was another perfect moment of them to catch on camera I didn't put these pictures up with the others I took for the show I saved them and gave them to Zak I don't know what he did with them but he would ask for any of them if I had any. Zak walks over to Jay and Billy I walk over to Mal who looks at me "Hey Ash how are you?" I hug her and she hugs back "I'm good the lockdown will start soon Zak has the call time at seven you need to do whatever you need to prepare yourself for tonight." She nods "Thank you." "You're welcome now go do it." She walks away then starts walking down a road that leads away we all had our own way of preparing she just needed to find her own way to do it.

Aaron's POV

Zak had split us all up in different parts of the prison which surprised me because I thought he would he would want Mallory by his side the whole night since it was her first lockdown with us I was used to being sent places alone by now. While I'm walking through I focus on the lockdown and I try to pay attention to everything that's being said over the walkie talkie I promised her as a friend I wouldn't let anything happen to her and I was going to do everything possible to keep my promise. I walk farther down the hall where Zak sent me then go in the cell and start doing an EVP and a few seconds later I hear a voice come through the first word is "Girl." We were in a prison inmates had died here they probably would have loved to be around one or just be able to touch and see one. I sit there and ask another question "Can you tell me what your name is?" For the next few minutes everything is silent "What were you in here for?" More silence A little while later I hear another word come through. "Touch." Girl and touch I start thinking about that then wrap things up and leave the cell I hear Billy come on the walkie talkie "Hey guys I think someone should check on Mal."

Mallory's POV

I walk down the prison block Zak had sent me to I take a deep breath then try to get my pounding heart to slow down I walk farther down the block and look into one of the dark empty cells at the end I shake my head because something didn't feel right. I close my eyes then slowly slide down the wall into the floor then the spot I'm sitting in starts getting really cold I feel something like fingers through my hair then something touches my leg and I start feeling dizzy I grab the walkie talkie. "Billy?' "Mal are you okay?" "No I don't think so I'm sitting in a cold spot I feel something touching my hair and my leg I'm really dizzy Bill." I hear him say something as I lay against the cold floor of the prison I feel my body starting to get heavier as the dizziness gets stronger I hear footsteps coming toward me. "It's okay sweetie I'm here." I look up and see Zak standing above me and Aaron is with him Zak passes what he's holding to Aaron then he picks me up out of the floor as we are going down the hallway I get a friendly feeling this time then I feel a cold touch on the side of my face.

Jay's POV

Billy and I look up when Zak walks in nerve center with Mallory in his arms he las her on our jackets that we piled up together Aaron looks at Zak. "Come on bro we have to go finish the lockdown." I see him look at Aaron and at the hallway they just came from then he looks back at Mallory laying on the jackets I could tell that he was really torn on what he should do he knew we needed to finish filming this episode but he wanted to stay with Mal because of what happened to her tonight I look at him. "Look we've got this if anything happens I will call Ash and have her check on her." Zak nods then kisses her and lays his jacket over her then leaves the room followed by Aaron Billy and I go back to watching the cameras as the night continues a few hours later Mallory slowly sits up and pulls Zak's jacket around her shoulders. Billy grabs a candy bar and hands it to her she smiles and slowly starts eating it what happened to her tonight would probably bother her for the next few days she probably wasn't going to be the same we were all worried about her and I knew that when I told Ash she would be worried too.

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