Chapter 64

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Vanessa's POV
I feel a sharp pain in my stomach I sit up in the bed and I'm momentarily blinded by all the lights from Vegas shining into mine and Kevin's hotel room. The guys were here for a show and Kevin has brought me with him them because my due date wasn't for a few weeks but I guess the twins were changing their minds and were wanting to be born in Vegas I shake Kevin until he wakes up he sits up and runs his hand through his hair. "What's wrong Ness?" I take a deep breath as I feel another pain rip through me "The babies are coming now Kevin I need to go to the hospital." Kevin gets up and gets dressed I change clothes Kevin grans my bags and as we walk go to walk out of the hotel room I feel my pants get wet I gasp then look up at Kevin. "My water just broke." Kevin looks at me then we go out of the hotel to the car Kevin starts speeding toward the hospital I was excited but scared at the same time I would be meeting mine and Kevin's some and daughter soon. I look over at Kevin "Call Mal or Zak whenever we get to the hospital." He nods I just hope Kevin would remember to actually call them.

Mallory's POV
I yawn and slowly sit up when I hear my phone I pick it up and answer "Hello?" "Hey Mal it's Kev Ness wanted me to call you and let you know the twins are on their way." Vanessa was a few weeks early but I was kind of happy that she would end up having the twins here in Vegas because I would get to see her this way. "Zak and I will be there soon tell her we will be there." Kevin hangs up then I start working on getting Zak up it takes a little while but he finally wakes up "What is it Mal?" "Ness is in labor here in Vegas we have to get to the hospital." I was now seven months pregnant with our strong, growing son so I had started wearing maternity clothes but since we were going to the hospital I wanted to be comfortable I grab a shirt and a pair of sweats and get dressed. Zak gets up throws on a shirt, and a pair of jeans then his shoes we walk downstairs he grabs his keys Gracie and Athena look up at us from their beds as we walk outside to Zak's car. I take a deep breath I couldn't believe it Ness and Kevin were fixing to parents.

Kevin's POV
I stay in the delivery room with Ness for hours and finally at six in the morning the first baby comes and it's a little boy who has a headful of brown hair that matches Vanessa's and his tiny lungs are healthy because he gives a loud cry. The nurse takes him and starts cleaning him up a few minutes later Ness squeezes my hand when she feels another contraction and a few minutes later the second baby is born a little girl this time she has black hair like mine I couldn't believe it my baby girl looked like me. She's taken by the nurses and a few minutes later a baby is placed in mine and Vanessa's arms I lean over and kiss her head "You did a great job Ness." She smiles and looks down at the twins sleeping in our arms "What should we name them Ness?" She looks up at me and smiles "For the boy I was thinking Scott Gerald Richardson from you and your dad, and for the baby girl I'm thinking Mallory Paige Richardson since Mallory helped us out and she's my best friend." They were great names and I loved them. "I love the names they're great Ness." I was a father now and I had two healthy babies.

Zak's POV
Mal and I go in to visit with Kevin and Ness we take turns holding their twins I look over at Mallory who has one of them in her arms. I couldn't believe that in two months Mallory and I would be having our own baby my little Alexander would be here over the last few months I had watched Mallory's body go through an amazing change it had grown and gained curves to me she looked beautiful and I was glad I was lucky enough to have a son on the way and someone like Mallory to spend the rest of my life with. Mallory and I stay and visit a little longer then go back to the waiting room so the guys in Kevin's band could have the chance to visit with Kevin and Vanessa as well I know Mal and Ness are best friends so that meant the two of us would be here a lot longer we had been her since two in the morning when we got back home Mal and I were going back to bed. I could use a few more hours of sleep and I knew that Mallory really needed as much rest as she could get over the next two months.

The sun starts pouring in the waiting room of the maternity floor I look up and see Mallory standing in front of the windows with the sun cascading over her. I was happy for her she would be a great mother and I was glad that she was healthy and that the baby she was carrying is healthy too I would never wish anything bad on her or her children. She's beautiful with the glow she has from her pregnancy her hair is shining, her green eyes are sparkling and she has a rosy tint to her complexion her body looked great her curves were incredibly sexy and it reignited the desire I had for her. Even though I was happy for her it broke my heart I wished it was my baby she was carrying and giving her body the glow it had I wanted to slip my hands under her shirt to touch her bump and feel my baby kicking her but I know I couldn't have that I watch as the ghostbuster walks over and puts his hand on her stomach. I get up out of my seat then follow the guys back to see Kev and Vanessa's twins.

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