Chapter 51

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Vanessa's POV
Three days later I get a call from Mallory I had been waiting to hear from her since Zak had told me that he was going to propose to her they were great together and the two of them really balanced each other out. I smile when I answer "Hey Mal how's it going?" "Hey Ness I have some great news!!!" "Zak asked me to marry him and I said yes!!!" Her voice raised an octave for each word so by the time she's finished I pull the phone away and laugh I was really happy for her if she needed me I would be there just like she was there for me while Kevin and I were planning our wedding. "That's great Mal I'm so happy for you." "Thanks Ness I can't believe it Zak always said he would never get married." I remember those days and I remember that Zak but now he was a different person she didn't know it but she was the reason for that "You hooked Zak Bagans Mal." She laughs "will you be my maid of honor?" I tear up Mal was my best friend she was like a sister to me and we had our moments but I didn't know what I would do without her. "I'd love to Mal." We talk then she hangs up I couldn't wait to go to their wedding.

Zak's POV
Mallory and I had been engaged for three days so I thought now would be a good time to sit and talk about things she sits down in front of me and I look at her. "Who should we tell next?" She holds my hand "I think we should tell your mom next." I was a little surprised by this I thought she would want to tell her parents next but if she wanted to tell my mom I would go with it she looks over at me "What kind of wedding do you want to have zakula?" I smile I wanted to do something different because I wasn't the definition of normal and our relationship wasn't either especially with how we met in the first place. "I don't know what are you thinking sweetie?" She looks over at me "Well I know you like Vampires what if we do something like that I mean a real one no blood or fangs or anything like that just us joining our lives together forever." I meet her eyes and put one of my hands on the side of her face "Sounds perfect sweetie." I kiss her and she kisses back there were two ways we could do this one in a church or we could do it in another location where Father Sebastiaan could perform the wedding ceremony and bind us and our souls together I just hope that Mallory would go for it.

Billy's POV
I walk in the office and see Mallory sitting on the edge of a desk flipping through a magazine I tilt my head a bit and see that she's now wearing an engagement ring I walk over and stand next to her. "So should I say congratulations?" She smiles then looks at her ring "I said yes." "Congrats I'm happy for you both." "Thanks Billy." She hugs me and I hug back  then she sits back on the desk and I look at her "When is the big day?" She shrugs then puts down the magazine "We haven't decided yet we've just started planning." I'm sure with the two of them it would be very different and interesting I nod toward the magazine she's reading. "What's in the news today?" "Nothing big Actor filming movies, Taylor Swift breaking up with someone else." I nod "Well I better head to the meeting or your future husband will have my head." She laughs "Bye Bill." I walk off and leave Mallory sitting on the desk to go to the meeting I would have to get a bet settled on how long it would be before a baby Bagans appeared in their future if Zak could get married he could change his mind about having kids too.

Mallory's POV
I know it had only been a few days since I said yes but I was already thinking about my wedding dress it wasn't going to be normal or white it wasn't even going to be a traditional dress since Zak and I decided on a vampire wedding ceremony. I couldn't wait to go dress shopping with Vanessa and I couldn't wait to go marry Zak either I loved him he wasn't my knight in shining armor but he was something that was so much more than that and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and everything that was a part of him but there was one thing that I was really nervous about. I was nervous about telling my parents that Zak and I were engaged we had been together a little over a year and he had only met them one time so I wasn't sure if they would be happy for me or if they would think that we were rushing all of this so I was happy we had decided to tell Zak's mother first. I wasn't in a rush and we could take all the time we needed plus Zak was going to be busy with his shows starting soon but while he had some time off on the break it wouldn't hurt for Zak and I to start planning our wedding.

I had gotten the news from Kevin and I couldn't believe it Mallory was now engaged to the ghostbuster even after what he had done to her I still wasn't over her and I still had feelings for her but hearing this was hard. We were friend but ever since I had come back from Vegas I had been hoping the whole time that maybe just maybe she had changed her mind and would come back to me because I knew that I was better for her than he was but now I had really lost her because she was going to marry him I sigh then lay down on the couch. I didn't know what to do I wanted her to be happy and I understood that she loved him but was her spending the rest of her life with him the right thing for her to do I stand up then walk to my room there was one thing I had to do I needed to go talk to her about what she was doing. I wasn't going to try and break them up I wouldn't do that to her but I really wanted her to think about what she was doing plus I would get to see her again.

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