September 25th, 2015

470 19 1

"I'm picking you up at seven tonight." Denis said, once I closed my locker.

"For what?" I asked, is he taking me on a date?

"My band and I are playing tonight. I want you to see us play and meet them."

"Do you guys have a name yet?"

"No not yet Alexandria. We will soon." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked to gym class.


"Today students you will be climbing the rock wall. All you have to do is climb to the top, ring the bell, and you're done." Coach announced.

One by one, students climbed the wall and ringed the bell.

"Arabella. You're up."

I began to climb the wall, keeping my eyes on the bell. That's all I have to do, climb and then ring the bell. Easy right?


My foot slipped, causing me to fall back.

"Oh my god, someone catch her!" Someone yelled as I was falling.

I closed my eyes, preparing myself to hit the ground. But I didn't. I didn't hit the ground. Slowly, I opened my eyes, seeing Denis looking at me with concern. He caught me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I said.

The amount of space between our faces was nonexistent.

He set me down, clearing his throat. Everyone was starring at us.

"Thank you."

"No problem."


"So he caught you and your faces were inches away?" Bree asked.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Did you want him to kiss you?"

"What?! No!" I blushed, continuing to look for something to wear.

"Yeah sure. Did you find something yet?" She asked.

I sighed, plopping back on my bed.

"Don't worry, we have two hours before he gets here."


Bree opened the door, allowing Denis to come inside. He smiled at me, leaning against the door.

"You definitely look like a fan of my band."

I looked down at what I was wearing. His flannel, a black tee shirt, dark blue shorts, black converse. It was the best I could think of.

"I didn't know what to wear, Bree only helped straighten my hair." I slightly laughed, looking down.

"You look beautiful." He complimented.

Bree looked at me with wide eyes, smiling. I blushed, smiling at the both of them.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall."


I stood in the back of the room, by the bar. Everyone was jumping around, singing along with Denis. They were actually pretty good. I've never listened to music like this before, it was new to me. It excited me, hearing the drums, guitar, bass, and screams.

I wasn't comfortable being in the cluttered group of people by the stage. So I stayed back here, watching Denis bounce around on stage.


"This is Ben, James, Cameron, and Sam." Denis introduced.

"Hi I'm Arabella." I greeted.

"That's her first name! Denis here would never say it, he would only address you as Alexandria." Ben, I believe, chuckled.

He had an accent as well, but it wasn't like Denis's. It was British I believe.

"I can tell we're gonna be great friends Arabella." Sam said.

"I hope so." I smiled.


"Why do you call me by my last name, instead of my first?" I asked Denis, as we walked towards my front door.

"I like calling you Alexandria, I actually like the name Alexandria." He said, stopping at my door. "So would you go to another show?"

"I would actually. I liked what you guys singed."

"Good. How would you like to come to a band rehearsal tomorrow? I know the guys would like to hangout with you."

"Sure." I smiled.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Alexandria." Denis smirked, walking back towards his car.

"Goodnight Stoff." I giggled.

"Oh and my flannel looks amazing on you."

I blushed before going inside. Bree walked over, seeing me smiling, with my cheeks red.

"You like him! Don't you?" She asked, smirking.

"Maybe I do like him." I shrugged, smiling still.

Maybe I do..

Sorry for not updating in a while. To make up for it, here's a cute little chapter for you guys.

Picture is of Asking Alexandria.

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