December 4th, 2015

355 18 18

I leaned against my locker, listening to Bree talk about something. Well I was listening at first, but not until he walked in.

He hasn't shown up to school all week and suddenly he's back. Why hasn't he came to school?

His hair is messed up, like he's been running his fingers through it constantly. He has noticeably bags under his eyes. He's not wearing his cute little grin.

Why does he look like this?


I shut my locker, turning and walking down the hall, back towards the cafeteria.

"Alexandria!" Someone calls, I already know who it is.

I continue walking, not wanting to talk to him, as I am still mad about what happened.

"I know you can hear me." Denis says, following down the hall.

I continue walking, picking up my pace. He grabs my wrist, stopping me from walking. I turn around and yank my hand back.

"Don't." I snap.

"Can we talk? Please." He asks.

"There's nothing to talk about Stoff." I say, crossing my arms.

"Oh bullshit Arabella."

I roll my eyes, turning back around. He grabs my arm, turning me, so I'm pinned against a locker. He places his hand on the part of the locker by face, doing the same with his other hand.

"There's nothing to talk about? There's a lot to talk about."

"Go talk to Madison."

"I'm done with her."

"You said that last time." I say, glaring at him.

"I mean it this time. I'm tired of her getting in the way of us." He says.

"Us?" I ask. "There's no us Denis."

"Were you being serious? When you said that you were growing feelings for me."

I swallow the lump in my throat, not wanting to answer him.


"Why does it matter Denis?!" I ask.

"Because you don't realize that I'm growing feelings for you as well! Feelings that make me do stupid shit because I don't want to hurt you!" He yells, standing back.

"But you already have." I whispered, feeling my eyes begin to water.

He looks at me, searching my face. He steps towards me again, cupping my face.

"I don't want to hurt you again." He whispers, slowly leaning in.

He glances at my lips then back at my eyes, leaning closer. I turn my face to the side and close my eyes.

"I'm sorry.." He sighs, and steps away from me.

"So am I." I say, then walk away, wiping a tear that fell.


I'm working in the playlist for Denis and Arabella.

But two updates in one day? Wow

So I wasn't planning on making a sequel at first, but I'm going to now. Because with how I plan on ending this book, it's not going to fit, but it'll fit in a sequel.

But the sequel is a long way from now, this book isn't near over.

Denis has confessed that he has feelings for her as well (I already knew that, you guys probably did as well) , and there was an almost Denabell/Aranis kiss, oh my

Denabell or Aranis as the ship name for Arabella and Denis?

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