December 4th, 2015

388 17 6

"Are things still rocky between you two?" Cameron asks, tuning his guitar.

"Yeah." I say, playing with the ends of my hair.

"Don't worry, things should clear up soon." He assures me, smiling.

I smile back, standing up straight. He throws his arm around my shoulder and walks over towards the others. I avoid looking at Denis and step back, letting them do their pre show ritual.

"Alright, its hotter in hell boys on three." Ben says, putting his hand in the middle.

They all follow, doing the same.

"Arabella join us." Sam says.

I smile and walk over, squeezing in between James and Ben, putting my hand in the middle.

"One, two, three!" Ben yells.

"Its hotter in hell!" They all yell, and I laugh to myself.

They run on stage, starting up I Won't Give In.

I watch them perform, singing along to some of the songs. Denis puts his arm around Ben, singing the verse before kissing Ben's cheek and running to the other side of the stage. I smile, continuing to watch.


After each show, the boys always have a little get together. Not this time. They've decided to have a full blown party.

"You're not gonna drink?" Ben asks over the loud music, for the one hundredth time.

"We're under age Ben." I groan, annoyed with my tipsy friend.

"And?" He asks, then takes another shot.

I roll my eyes, getting up from the couch. I walked out of the living room, down the hall, searching for Cameron.

"Where is he?" I ask myself, pushing through the crowd of people.

I walk into another room, seeing that it was empty. I walk out, bumping into someone.

"Sorry." I mumble, walking around them.

They grab my wrist, stopping me from walking.

"You're Arabella, the girl who told Madison off at the homecoming game." He says.

"Uh yeah." I whisper, removing my wrist from their hand.

I smelt alcohol coming from him, which made me even more uncomfortable. He smiles at me, steeping closer, so I take a step back.

"You're really pretty, that Denis guy doesn't deserve you." He slurs, continuing to step closer.

"Funny you say that, I was actually just looking for him." I lie.

"Such a shame, he can wait." He backs me up into a wall.

"Please leave me alone." I try to step around him, but he pushes me back. "I said leave me alone."

"Oh come on baby, let's just have some fun." He chuckles, kissing my cheek.

He starts to kiss down to my neck. I try pushing him off but he doesn't budge. I stomp down on his foot, causing a growl to come from him. He looks at me, and I take the chance to try and punch him. I bring my fist up and he grabs my wrist.

"Stop being so difficult." He growls, his grip getting tighter.

My wrist starts to hurt, as he goes back to kissing my neck roughly, not letting go.

•Emotion• Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now