May 13th, 2016

109 5 0

One week left..

One more week until I graduate..

"Can you believe we're finally about to leave this place?" Cam asks, eating a fry.

"About time, high school kicks my ass." Ben groans.

I slightly laugh at his comment, poking at my pizza with my fork.

"Are you gonna pick at it or eat it?" Sam asks, eyeing my pizza.

I push my plate towards him, allowing him to have at it. It takes the greasy food and smiles at me, earning one back from me. Bree walks over, sitting down and taking a sip of her water.

"Where were you?" I ask her, arching a brow.

"Talking to my guidance counselor about Yale. Where's Denis?"

And when she asked that, I looked around the table, realizing Denis wasn't with us.

"I'm not sure." I said.


"Denis!" I yell, walking over to him.

We were in gym class, when I finally found Denis.

He turns around and looks at me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Where were you? I haven't seen you since history." I say, crossing my arms.

"I was in the library." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me, i would've came with you." I laugh.

Denis looks away from me, scratching the back of his neck. Something was up.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, grabbing his hand and holding it.

"Yeah i'm fine." He mumbles, looking at our hands then slowly letting go.

I watch as he let's go of my hand and puts it back in his pocket.

"Look I kind of just want to be alone right now-"

"Don't do this." I interrupt him, looking at the ground.

"Do what?"

"Push me away."

I look at him, seeing his facial expression change to a look of sadness.

"I'm not." He sighs. "I've just been thinking a lot."

"Thinking about what Denis?" I ask.

"Us. What's going to happen after we graduate. Arabella I think after we graduate, separating would be the best." He says, and I step back.

"Y-You're joking. Right?"

"It's for the best, so we won't get hurt-"

"And you don't think ending it after we graduate isn't gonna hurt?!" I fume.

He opens his mouth to say something then shuts it. I shake my head and turn around, beginning to walk off.

"Arabella wait." He sighs.

"Don't." I say, continuing to walk away and beginning to tear up.

Why is everything so hard with him...


2 more chapters

also denis why, why denis, wHY

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