September 26th, 2015

428 18 20

"It's Arabella!" Sam yelled, once he saw me walk in with Denis.

"Ah, the lovely Arabella has decided to join us today." Ben chuckles, walking over.

He pulls me into a hug, taking me by surprise. I freeze up, Denis noticing.

"Okay, let's get started shall we?" Denis asks, taking Ben away.

I sat on the couch, getting a bit more comfortable. Denis smirks at me, causing me to smile a bit. They start up the first song, Send Me Home was the title. I liked this song, it wasn't as heavy as the other songs they played last night.


"We still need a band name, we can't keep playing without one." James said, plopping down on the couch.

"Yeah but what?" Cameron asks, drinking some water.

Denis sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Well do you guys have any ideas?" Denis asked.

"The Ukrainian British." Sam says, causing us all to look at him.

"What?" Denis chuckles.

"Well we're all British and you're Ukrainian, makes sense." Sam shrugs.

"How about we ask Alexandria." James suggests, looking at me.

"Y-you're asking me?" I ask, shifting a bit.

"That's it!" Ben yells, standing up. "Asking Alexandria!"

"Asking her what?" Denis asks.

"We're not asking her anything you lousy fuck, that can be our band name! Asking Alexandria!" Ben exclaims.

"I like it." I say, smiling.

"All in favor of Asking Alexandria, raise your hand." Ben said, raising his hand.

I raise my hand as well, earning a high five from Ben.

"I'll go with it." Sam raises his hand.

"It's the only decent thing we've came up with." Cameron says, raising his hand.

"I'll second that." James said, raising his hand as well.

We all look at Denis, waiting for his approval. He looks at me, smiling. I feel my cheeks turn a bit red as I smile back.

"It looks like we finally have a band name." Denis says, the guys erupting into cheers.

I smile, watching the boys jump around. They were all excited, finally having a name for their band.

"Thanks to you, we finally have a name." Denis chuckles.

"I didn't do anything." I said.

"Oh but you did." He smirks. "Oh and you're doing it again."

I arch a brow, confused on what I was doing again. He lightly chuckles, glancing down at my lips. I quickly release my lip, not realizing I was biting it.

"You do it quite a lot." He says, leaning closer and whispers. "And if I were you, I would stop. Because it makes me want to bite your lip myself."

My eyes widen, shocked at what he says. But I couldn't help find myself wanting him to do it as well.


So they finally have a band name "Asking Alexandria". Next chapter is going to skip some time a little bit.

•Emotion• Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now