November 6th, 2015

415 23 0

"You made it!" Sam exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled, hugging him back, before hugging Ben. I glanced over at Denis, seeing that he was talking to Cameron. How come Madison wasn't with him?

"They broke up." Ben says, practically reading my mind.

"They did?" I gasp.

Ben nods his head, smirking at me.

I'm not that shocked that they broke up, but I still wanted to know why they did.


I watched the boys bounce around on stage, performing. This was my second time watching them perform, and it seems that they've only gotten bigger. Now that they had a name, people started to take an interest in them.

Denis pointed the microphone at the crowd, hoping for them to sing. He looked over at me, winking before continuing to sing. I blushed once he did.

Denis and I haven't talked since the homecoming game. So I was hoping now that him and Madison are broken up, that would change. I missed talking to Denis everyday.


"That was a kick ass show!" Ben yells, before taking a shot.

After the show, James decided to have a little get together at his house. By the time everyone got there, most of the group was tipsy or drunk.

"You want one love?" Ben asks me.

"No thanks." I say, giving him a small smile. "I think I should head home now."

"Aw, well I'll see you Monday!"

I get up and say my goodbyes, before walking out the house. I unlock my car as I walk towards it.

"Going home already?" Someone asks.

I stop walking and turn towards the direction of the person. Denis was leaning against his car.

"Yeah, it's late, so it's best if I go home now." I said.

"Can we start over?" He asks, walking towards me. "Forget about all that shit with Madison, and just start over."

"What happened to you sa-"

"I only said that because Madison told me to say that. Did you really think I meant it?" He cuts me off.

"You made it seem pretty believable at first." I sigh.

"Please Alexandria?"

I nod my head and smile at him. He smiles back and grabs my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. I sigh, hugging him back. He rubs my back and pulls away.

"I should let you go home now." He chuckles.

"Oh yeah." I slightly laugh, walking towards my car.

"Goodbye Alexandria."

"Goodbye Stoff."


This is short but yay they've made up.

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