January 5th, 2019 *BONUS CHAPTER*

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Dear Stoff,
    I just got back to Seattle last night and read your letter. The night we spent together keeps replaying in my head. I wish we could've spent another night, another morning, another day together. But maybe just that night was all we needed for now.
   I hope you know that you still have my heart. I'll admit, waiting for your letters, seeing as they're my only form of contact with you, is hard. But I won't stop waiting for them. I won't stop waiting for you. I hope you won't stop waiting for me.
   It took everything in me that night, to stop myself from ending our deal. From saying that I give up and that I want you back.
   I never told you, but you Denis, you're my greatest emotion. Without you, sometimes I feel numb again. Thinking about you, I feel whole. The thought of you, makes me feel all over again. Being with you that night, I forgot what it was like to feel numb. But saying goodbye brought the feeling of it back.
   I still love you and forever will. I'm not leaving, I'm staying here. Waiting for you..

Alexandria ♡︎

I sent him that letter, hoping for a response back. Only to just not get one back. And suddenly I began to feel numb again..

•Emotion• Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now