March 18th, 2016

137 10 0


"Denis!" Ben yelled, knocking me back into my senses.

"Sorry." I say, shaking my head.

We were in the middle of rehearsals for our show tonight. I couldn't concentrate, the whole time I've been thinking about Arabella.

After our last conversation two days ago, I haven't seen her since. She hasn't came to school. I asked Bree about her, she said that ever since Wednesday afternoon, she hasn't talked to anyone. She starting to become how she used to be. Isolating herself from everyone.

"Denis seriously, dude come on. We might as well cancel the gig tonight if you can't get into it." Cameron groans.

"Cancel it." I say, walking away from the mic.

"I was kidding." Cam quickly says.

"I wasn't, I can't do the show tonight."

"Denis we haven't played a show in five weeks, because you keep canceling on us!" Ben yells.

"Okay and I'm sorry! I just can't do it right now!" I yell, walking over to my bag.

"You're giving up on us like you gave up on Arabella." Ben says, crossing his arms.

"Fuck you." I growl.

"No fuck you Denis. You need to get your shit together. I don't know what it is, but you haven't been yourself in a while." Ben snaps.

"Whatever." I mumble, walking towards the door.

"Walk out that door and that's it, you're out the band."

I stop walking and turn around, looking at Ben.

"Really? You're kicking me out?" I ask, scoffing at him.

He nods his head, I look at the rest of them and they all nod their heads as well.

"Fine." I say and walk out.



"Arabella sweetie, Ben is here." My mom says, before walking out of my room.

I hear the footsteps of Ben walking into my room, but I don't budge. I continue to just lay there, starring at the wall. Ben sits on the couch by my bed.

"I'm not gonna ask how you're doing, because I can answer that myself. But Arabella please don't isolate yourself from all of us. Don't cut us all off, because we're still here. You still have us. What Denis did was completely fucked up, I'm still not sure on why he did it. All I know is that lately he hasn't been his self, he's been gone. And maybe it's a good thing that you guys aren't together right now, because he'll continue to hurt you and no longer put effort into your relationship, just like he stopped putting effort into the band. Give him time, let him find himself again, then he'll come back. Trust me, he'll come back once he's back. But until then, don't leave us. We all still need you Arabella." Ben explains.

I sigh and look away from the wall and at Ben. I slowly sit up and wipe the tears from under my eyes.

"I'm still here." I whisper.

Ben gets up and sits by me on my bed. He puts his arms around me and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and sigh once again.

"We kicked him out of the band."

"W-what?" I ask, looking at him. "Is it because we broke up? Ben you did-"

"No it's not because of that. We haven't played a show in five weeks because he keeps canceling on us last minute. He's been giving up on us and we got tired of it. We hope he figures things out and comes back." He explains.

"What are you guys gonna do?" I ask.

"Until Denis gets his shit together, we're going on a break." He says, shaking his head. "I just wish he wouldn't shut people out and just tell us what's wrong. I just wish he wouldn't just give up on everything and leave."

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't the first time this has happened. When things become good for Denis, he runs away. He told us before that he doesn't think he deserves to have good things happen to him. He didn't tell us why he thinks that. We can't force it out of him." Ben says, standing up.

"That's why he ended it?" I ask. "That's why he ended things with me?"

"Yes. Why? I don't know. You can tell him multiple times that he does deserve good, but he still won't believe you."


Denis believes that he doesn't deserve anything good, but why? You'll find out soon.

Also, thank you for 8K readssssssssss

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