October 16th, 2015

405 19 0

Loud cheers and screams was all you could hear..

Everyone cheers on our football team, as they battled their way through the game. We were currently at 13-20, putting us behind seven points.

"Lets get some snacks?" Bree asked me, sensing that I was uncomfortable.

"Sure." I smile, getting up and following her to the concession stand.

We stood in line, waiting for the people infront of us to finish. Once they were done, they turned around, looking at us. It was Denis and Madison. Madison smirked at me, while Denis just looked at me.

"Hi." He whispered, earning a glare from Madison.

I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. Madison grabbed his hand, tugging him away. Bree rolled her eyes, asking the guy for a pretzel.


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I tell Bree, getting up and walking to the bathrooms.

I walked inside, going over to the sink and washing my hands. Madison walked in, smirking at me.

"I see you didn't follow orders." She says in an annoying pitchy voice.

"What orders?" I scoff, drying my hands.

"Going back to being that girl who talked to know one. Had no friends." She shrugs, looking at her nails.

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes, brushing past her and exiting the bathroom.

She followed behind me, yelling about how I can't walk away when she's talking to me. She starts to draw attention, as I continue to walk away. Denis stops his conversation with Sam, and looks at what's going on.

"Stop being a little bitch Arabella!" Madison yells, Bree standing up and starts walking over.

I ball my fists, turning around and glaring at Madison. I definitely was begin to feel the feeling anger run through me.

"Can you shut the hell up!?" I yell, her eyes widening. "Just for one shut up! All week, you've been nothing but a bitch to me!"

People around began to "Oo" taking their eyes off the game and watching what was going on.

"Oh now you're gonna stand up to me?" Madison laughs.

"Just because I never tried to be your friend, doesn't mean you have to be so ignorant to me! I'm sorry that you decided to cheat on my brother who gave you his heart!" I yell, hearing Ben say "Damn".

"How about you sh-"

"No! I'm done! I'm so freaking done, I'm tired of you thinking you can just say whatever you want and push me around! Thinking you can just show up to my house like it's nothing! Stop being an immature brat and grow up!"

A bunch of people begin to clap, seeing the once quiet girl, finally snapping. I walk towards Madison, standing right infront of her, face to face.

"And if you still think that I won't do anything, think again, because I promise you I will do something if you try anything with me again." I threaten, pushing past her, knocking her back a bit with my shoulder.

I walk towards the gate, when Denis walks towards me.


"Don't." I cut him off, walking out of the gate.

I walk away from the football game, away from the school, not sure where I was going. I ended up walking to the park by the school, sitting on the slide.

Just over two months ago I was a girl who didn't talk and showed no sign of emotion. Now here I am, I just went off, I'm experiencing a whole bunch of emotions, all thanks to one person. That one person being Denis..


I felt someone carrying me up the stairs, trying to be gentle. They walked towards something, slowly opening it. I was then laid down on a bed, a blanket soon being pulled over me. I open my eyes a tad bit, seeing who the person was. Denis. He began to walk towards me door.

"Denis." I stop him, causing him to turn around.

"Go to sleep Alexandria, you've had a long night."

"Why, why did you?" I sleepily ask.

"I can't explain right now." He turned around, continuing to walk to the door.

"Why me?" I ask, sitting up.

He looks at me, slowly walking towards my bed. He sits in the edge by me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He kisses my forehead before getting up and leaving. I stare at the ground, confused on why he just did that.


Next chapter will not be the homecoming dance, sorry if you guys wanted it to be. The only dance I plan on including in this story is Prom Night.

But It was about time she went off on the bitch Madison.

Also I was wondering if you guys would like a Character Q&A. If you have a question for Arabella, comment what it is and I'll answer it. If you have a question for Denis, do the same. If you have a question for any of the characters, even Arabella's therapist, just comment what it is and I'll answer it in the next update. Only if you guys want that.

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