December 20th, 2015

261 13 1

"Where's Denis?" Bree asked, sitting down.

"Not sure." I say, looking at my phone.

We were all supposed to be hanging out at my house. Everyone was here, except Denis. He wasn't answering his phone and no one knew where he was.

"Maybe he's grounded." Sam shrugs, eating popcorn.

"What could he have possibly done to get grounded? He mum never grounds him." Ben chuckles.

I typed out another text to Denis, hoping he would answer.


"Hello?" I said, answering my phone.

"Hey baby." Denis slurs.

"Denis where are you?" I ask, relieved that he's finally answering.

"At Stacey's, she's throwing this killer party." He laughs.

"Did you forget we all made plans today?"

"Yeah but I couldn't pass up a party." He groans.

I open my mouth to say something, then close it when someone else speaks.

"Denis are you coming?" A girl asks him.

"Yeah, later babe." He quickly says, then hangs up.

I remove my phone from my ear and set it on the table.

"Where is he?" Bree asks.

"A party, Stacey's." I whisper.

"Let's go get him." Cam said, standing up.


We all walked into the house, beginning our search for Denis. People were dancing, drinking, smoking, making out, you name it. I scoffed at the sight of a group passing around a blunt.

"Arabella?" Someone asks.

I turn around, coming face to face with Stacey.

"I didn't know you were coming." She says.

"I didn't either, not until Denis called." I shrug.

"Oh Denis! Yeah, he's in the living room if you're looking for him, there's a group playing truth or dare. Amateurs." She laughs, walking away.

"Thanks." I said to myself, walking towards the living room.

I pushed through the crowd and walked into the living. I looked around, until I spotted the group playing the game. I start walking over then stop dead in my tracks. My eyes start to tear up at the sight in front of me.

Denis kissing another girl.


I'm back, also I changed the cover for the story, it now has both Arabella(Sabrina Carpenter) and Denis on it.

Wow, Denis kissing another girl, wtf man

Sorry if this chapter sucks as well, I had majors writers block for this story, just trying to lead up to the next big part.

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