Mitch Again!!!

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Wednesday morning (Jay's perspective)

My brother snores... loud! He may have been in the other room but I heard him!  I woke up, stretched and went and got something to eat.  I walked into my brother's room and he was still asleep. Perfect I can go see Jordan!  I looked at my phone, 8:37am.  He might be up.  Good thing he gave me a key.  I wrote my brother a note so that he wouldn't take a fit when I wasn't there, and walked to Jordan's house.  I unlocked the door.  He was still sleeping.  Man, it's so boring being the only one up.  I went back into the hall and started to walk back along to my house when who came strolling along but... MITCH!  I really hated him!

" Hi babe,'' he said.

" Shut up,'' I growled louder than I thought.

''Aww don't be like that babe,'' he smirked.

''okay but stop calling me that!" I shouted.

" But you're my babe aren't you,'' he said leaning over me.

" No I'm not now leave me alone,'' I said whilst trying to push him away but it didn't work.

" Aww poor Jay is trying to get away,''he said smiling.

" I'm not trying, I'm gonna,''and just as I said it I kneed him in... well... you get it.

He fell in pain with a thud.  I walked away leaving him on the ground.  I didn't know where I was going but I walked to the elevator.  We lived on the third floor so I was going outside to get some air.  Just as I got in the elevator Mitch came in and the doors shut!  I had never been so scared of a boy in all my life, and I had a brother!

" Where do you think you're going... babe,''he said leaning over me again.

I felt the elevator stop.  he must have hit the emergency button that stops it.  Another thing I hated!  I started to panic.

"W-what are y-ou doing M-Mitch?" I stuttered

He pinned me against the elevator wall.  He stood there staring at me.  I felt the buttons behind me and I thought that if I distracted him I could push the button and get out.  Just as I was thinking, he kissed me again.  I quickly pushed the button and the doors opened.  He actually stopped kissing me to look.  He stopped! 

" How'd they open,'' he said looking at me.

''I don't know,'' I said, I had an idea.  If I could get him outside I could run!  I really didn't want to say it but I had to.

''Do you wanna take this outside,'' I said trying not to throw up!

I've never seen a person so happy!

" Hell yeah,''was his reply.  Oh gawd!

We walked outside and I bolted!  I didn't realize I could run so fast but I got back upstairs and ran into Jordan's room. 

Same time (Jordan's perspective)

I had just came out the shower when Jay burst through my door.  She ran to me and was panting.

" He done it again Jordan!" she shouted, ''he is trying to get me again!"

''who is,'' I asked.

" Mitch!  He is outside!" she shouted.

And the anger was back!  I rushed outside and Mitch was standing at the end of the hall.  I ran up to him and basically tackled him!  We were on the floor.  I had him pinned down and I laid into him!  Callum rushed up behind me.

" What the hell is going on!" he shouted.

''He just kissed Jay, again!" I screamed still pinning Mitch to the ground.''

Well Callum backed me up.  He grabbed Mitch and pinned him on the wall.  A terrified Jay was standing peeking out of my house.  I knew Callum could handle him so I went and gave Jay a hug.  By this time I could see Callum dragging Mitch by his shirt and throwing him down the stairs.  Ouch!

"Keep away from my sister you creep!" Callum shouted.

"You okay,'' I asked Jay.

She nodded.  She was actually shaking.

" What happened, you look terrified!" I said.

" He stopped the elevator whilst I was inside with him, he pinned me to the wall, kissed me and chased me outside!" she said hugging me tightly.

" Wait, if he stopped the elevator, how did you get outside. 

''when he kissed me he pinned me against the buttons, so I started the elevator bank up and ran,'' she said.

" Wow, he is an idiot!" I said hugging her.

Callum had returned and he had a huge smile on his face.

''he won't be coming back anytime soon,'' he laughed.

same time (Jay's perspective)

Well everyone was awake now so we all went into Jordan's house.  We all had a drink and I sat huddled up on the sofa.  Jordan came and sat beside me and put his arm around me.  Callum shot him a look and Jordan tried to play it off as a yawn.  Callum just laughed.  I had noticed I was the only one in my PJ's. 

" I've got to get ready,'' I said as I went to stand up.

" Why don't we have a PJ day like we did back home,''Callum said, ''I'm going home tomorrow so I don't feel like doing much.''

I looked at Jordan and he looked happy with that.

" Okay, but I'm sill getting washed,'' I said as I walked out.

I got my shower and put my hair in a messy bun and went through to Jordan's again.  We all sat down and watched a movie. 

It was about 9:00pm and me and Jordan dropped Callum of at the airport.  We waved him off and went back home.

" Want to stay over at mine tonight,''Jordan asked me.

" Yeah, that would be awesome,'' I said a bit more excited than I meant.

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