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Same time (Still Jay)

We arrived home and my mum ran to me and have me a hug. 

" Everything will be fine honey, don't worry.'' she said.

I didn't feel worried for some strange reason.  I mean I really don't know why.  My dad was in hospital, ill and I wasn't worried.

" I'm not,'' I replied.

She have me a comforting look. 

" Well Jordan,  this wasn't exactly how I wanted to show you where I grew up but oh well,'' I said sitting down on the couch.

" It's fine,''he said coming to give me a hug.

" What do you two want for lunch,'' my mum said but stopped and looked at us.  She have me the ''wide eyes'' look.

I stood up quickly.

" Em, I'm okay mum.  Do toy want anything Jordan,'' I said quickly.

" I'm fine,'' he said laughing.

" I'll show you where we are staying,'' I said grabbing his hand and rushing up the stairs.

We got to the top of the landing.

" why D'you laugh,'' I asked him.

" Cause, your funny.  Whenever we hug and anybody sees us, you freak,'' he said laughing again.

"I don't know how she will react.  I've never had a boyfriend before so I don't know how she would feel,'' I explained.

" Well, she saw us before and she didn't bother and she looked fine just now,'' he said.

" Well, I'll tell you what.  When we go down later, I'll sit on the couch and you have to hug me.  If she reacts strange I'll explain to her and if she doesn't well, I'll just leave it.'' I said.

" okay,''he said laughing.

I took Jordan to my old room which to my surprise, was still the way I left it.  New York wallpaper, Music canvas, Music bedcovers,  it was as I left it.

" Wow,'' he said.

" What, you don't like it,'' I said feeling a bit upset.

" No, I love it!  My room was nothing like this when I was a kid,'' he said looking round.

" Aww,'' I said not knowing how to respond.

" You're really into music aren't you,'' he said turning to face me.

" yeah,'' I said laughing.

As I was looking around an ornament feel under my bed. I reached under to get it but I felt something.  I picked it out and it was my first guitar!  It was a Neon Cyan Fender.  I used to play it all the time!

" Oh my god!'' I said louder than I thought.

" What, oh wow. '' Jordan said starting at it.

" This was my first guitar,'' I said handing it to him.

" It's so cool, can I have a shot,'' he asked.

" Yeah, on you go.'' I said.

I'll admit it, he was alright.

" You show me how to play,'' he said.

Without thinking, I started playing my favorite song on it, Impossible by Shontelle.

He sat down and listened intently.  I have this habit of, when I'm singing, I close my eyes so I don't see the people watching but when I stopped I opened my eyes to my mum, step dad, brother and Jordan all watching in awe.  I was so embarrassed! 

" You've still got it,'' my mum said.

" Well done sis,'' my brother said.

My step dad said nothing and walked away and frankly, I didn't quite care!  Stuff him!

Jordan was still sitting in awe. 

" You're amazing,'' he said smiling at me.

I started to blush. 

" You should totally go on Britain's got talent Jay,'' my brother said.

The feeling was back.  I wanted to chuck my guitar out the window, roll up into a ball and cry.   He noticed and left leaving me, Jordan and mum.  My mum came and sat beside Jordan in front of me.

" what's wrong Jay,'' my mum said.

" Nothing,'' I said.

" Jordan, I can tell when something is wrong, now tell me,'' she said sternly.

Jordan looked at her forgetting that my name was Jordan too.

" You only ever notice me for things like that,'' I said raising my voice a little.

" What do you mean,'' she said looking confused.

" Whenever I done well at school, you wouldn't give but anytime I showed talent on something stupid you would make a big fuss!" I said.

" That's so stupid!" she said now shouting at me.

" No, dad never,'' she cut me of.

"I don't care about your dad! He has nothing to do with me anymore!" She said shouting.

I burst into tears, ran into the bathroom and locked the for.  I couldn't believe she had said that to me! And honestly, I couldn't take it.  I felt like my whole world was falling apart.  Firstly, I was losing my dad,  and now my mum! The only person I had left was Jordan! I loved him but I needed to know I had my parents, both of them.  Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door.

" Hello,'' came Jordan's voice, ''can I come in.''

I unlocked the door.  He came and sat on the floor next to me.  He put out his arm out and I fell into them and started sobbing.   When I stopped I looked into his deep brown eyes.

" You feel better now,''he said giving me a soft smile.

I nodded.

" Come downstairs,'' he said.

"I don't want to,'' I said in a whiney tone.

He picked me up bridal-style and carried me downstairs despite my efforts to get away. 

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