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first of all I would like to thank you guys on 67 reads! you guys are the best but no one will leave comments on what I should do next in it so I'm a bit stuck x help me please x love you all x


Wednesday night (Jordan's perspective)

I let Jay stay at mine that night.  I didn't want her to go home on her own and get scared.  I hate Mitch for what he did to her.  Me and him used to be close but now, I would be happier if I never saw him again.  When we arrived home I went to get my PJ's on.  Jay was watching the TV.  I heard my phone go. It was my mum.  She was asking if I wanted to meet her and dad tomorrow afternoon.  I remembered Jay had wanted to meet them so I agreed.

Same time (Jay's perspective)

I heard Jordan's phone buzz and i wondered who it was.  I have always been nosy like that.  He walked out of his room but he must have forgot to put on a top.

I looked at him.  "D'you forget something,'' I said widening my eyes.

He looked at me then realized and he ran back into his room.

Same time (Jay's perspective)

I couldn't beloved I had done that.  She probably thought it was on purpose!  Oh my god.  I put on a top and walked back out.  She was smiling.

" You remembered,'' she said teasingly.

" yeah I did,'' I said laughing.

We sat and watched a movie.  Whilst we were sitting the thought crossed my mind. Did Jay think of me as a boyfriend, or a friend?  I mean, we had kissed but not since then. Did it mean the same to her as it did to me. Either I was her boyfriend or I was deep in the Friendzone.  I wanted to ask but I couldn't.

Same time (Jays Perspective)

Jordan was flicking through the channels.  I was deep in thought.  I remembered the time we had kissed.  My stomach done a Summersault. But I realized that, we hadn't kissed since then.  I mean, when we kissed, I thought he meant it.  Did he?  I know I did.  I had to ask him.

" Hey, Jordan,'' I started.  my mind was searching for things to say, but he spoke.

''I need to ask you something important,''he said.

''okay,'' I said.

" well,''he started,''remember when we kissed,'' he said.

Did he want to ask me the same thing?

''yeah,'' I said.

" well, did it mean anything to you,''he asked, his voice getting quieter.

" Well, yeah,'' I said without thinking.

" really,'' he asked.

Omg, why did he say that.  Did it not mean anything to him!  Oh no.

" yeah,'' I said.

" That's good because I was worried it didn't,'' he said with a sigh of relieve.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing,'' I said, ''I was worried it didn't mean anything to you.''

''Good job I asked then,'' he said smiling.

Now there was the question of,  were we bf and gf or what!

" em, Jordan,'' I said

" yeah,'' he asked.

" well, I don't know how to ask actually,'' and I let out a giggle.

" are we boyfriend and girlfriend,'' he asked,'' is that what you were going to ask.''

" yeah actually,'' I said looking at him.

" Do you want to be,'' he asked.

" Well,''but before I could finish, he kissed me.  I wasn't prepared for this one but it felt better that way.

When he stopped he held me close to him.  I could feel my face getting red.  He laughed.

" So every time I kiss you, you're gonna turn red,'' he laughed.

" Yeah,'' I said shyly.

He pulled me into a hug, with my head on his chest and his arm around my waist.  We lay there for the whole night and I felt myself drift off.

Same time (Jordan's perspective)

She looked so cute when she slept.  Every now and then she would feel for my arm and when she found it she settled again.  I rested my head on hers.  I found a blanket and put it over the two of us and I feel asleep.

When I woke up she had her arms wrapped around my waist and her head still on my chest.  She was a cuddly sleeper, but I loved it.

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