Black Mustang Accident

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So this chapter was easy to write considering i was in hospital at the time.  Read this chapter to find out what happened to me.


Same time (Jordan's perspective)

Okay, I love her and all but she drives very fast.  She was in the speed limit but the car made it feel faster!  I have never been so scared in all my life!  We got home and sat down on the couch. 

"Jay, can you run to the shops for me please," Jay's mum shouted.

"Yeah mum," she shouted back.

She got up and walked to her mum and her mum told her what to get.

"You want me to go with you," i asked her.

"It's fine.  I'll only be twen minutes," she said back.

She walked out and closed the door behind her.

Same time (Jay's perspective)

I was walking along and about to cross the road.  I saw a car coming so i stopped.  The car stopped to let me over but as i was in the middle, it rammed into me!  It didn't go over me, it just knocked me down but it was with force.  It reversed and sped of in the other direction.  I didn't see who was in the car.  I reached into my pocket to get my phone but it wasn't there.  I must have left it.  I tried to stand up but pain shot through my body!  It was agony!  A passer by stopped and helped me to the pavement.

"What happened," he asked.

I couldn't make out the people.  There were two of them in the car.  My vision had gone blurry and my head started to spin.

"I don't know," i stuttered," It stopped to let me over but ran into me when i crossed."

"I'll call for help," he said.

Soon after he had called an ambulance had showed up.  I was carried into it and rushed to the hospital.  When i got there i immedietly phoned home.

Same time (Jordan's perspective)

Jay had been gone for about half an hour and i was getting worried.  I tried to phone her but she had left her phone in her room.  The house phone started to ring and her mum picked it up.

"What, is she okay," i heard her say.

I jumped to my feet and ran to her mum.

"Okay, we will be there soon," she said as she put the phone back down.

"What happened," i said panicking.

"Jay got hit and she is in the hospital," she said, "I'll drive.

"We got in the car and sped to the hospital.

Same time (Jay's perspective)

"You're family have been informed Miss Adams," a doctor said as he enetered my room.

Two police officers came into my room. 

"Hello, Miss Adams," they said, "We just have a few questions about the accident."

"Okay and just call me Jay," i said smiling at him.

The doctor had told me i had 4 broken ribs and I had broken my wrist.  I had a few cuts but nothing to serious.

"Could you tell us what the registration of the car was Miss Adams," the male officer asked.

"No, sorry," i replied.

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